Jonathan Van Ness on his call with Elizabeth Warren (Photo: Instagram)

Queer Eye star Jonathan Van Ness has come out in support of Elizabeth Warren as the next Democratic Presidential nominee.

He says that after misplacing his HIV medication, she secured his endorsement with her stance on healthcare.

Van Ness revealed to the world he is HIV positive in a New York Times profile last weekend. He talks about his diagnosis in his newly-published memoir, Over The Top.

Last night he revealed that he recently misplaced his HIV medication and had to quickly re-stock.

“The moment I knew I was endorsing @ewarren was last month when I misplaced my HIV meds. It cost $3500 to replace them out of pocket with “amazing” plantinum (sic) level insurance. Healthcare shouldn’t be for profit ever, it’s a human right,” he said.

Related: Jonathan Van Ness from ‘Queer Eye’ comes out as HIV-positive

Around an hour later, he posted another tweet. This included video footage of him on a call with Warren, discussing why he was supporting her. It’s unclear if Senator Warren immediately picked up the phone to call Van Ness after being alerted to his tweet.

The full video was posted to Van Ness’ Instagram. During the call, an excited Van Ness again brought up Warren’s healthcare policies. He first let slip his support for Warren during a podcast published yesterday in which he talked with Planned Parenthood’s acting president, Alexis McGill Johnson.

Van Ness says to Warren, “What I realized, it was at the last debates and I was like, ‘This health insurance industry is a f*cking racket! I’ve had enough!’ … And then I was like, I’m Team Warren.”

Warren talks about healthcare being a basic human right and Van Ness goes on to invite her to discuss the issue further on his podcast.

He says he wants to be able to explain to his, “moderately Republican family what to expect on taxes and everything, so I can assuage their fears. Let me know the numbers, honey, I’m ready to disseminate.

“I’m looking at getting rid of stigma,” he continues. “Whatever we’re gonna do to destigmatize the idea of healthcare for all.

“Because you know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of when people want to save money, it’s like, ‘Oh, just let me drive home from the bar because I don’t want to get a cab because it’s so much more expensive.’ That’s when you get the DUI.

“That’s what not having healthcare for all is like. It’s like it’s too expensive, but this is too expensive because by not having for anyone we end up spending so much more money. If we would just take care of people upfront we could really get rid of so many of these problems.”

Related: Response to Jonathan Van Ness revealing he’s poz proves we’re winning the fight against HIV stigma

Senator Warren also posted footage of the call to her Twitter.

Van Ness went on to clarify his tweet about his HIV medication cost, saying he takes just one pill a day.

His original tweet about medication has prompted thousands of comments.

Some welcome the endorsement for Warren, but it’s upset many Bernie Sanders supporters. They claim Sanders has far better policies regarding healthcare and the potential cost of prescription medication.

Others have accused Senator Warren, who has voiced support for Medicare for All, to be vague on her specific healthcare plans.

Here’s hoping she accepts the invitation to sit down with Van Ness to spill the details.

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