Apparently the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College holds a forum for lesser-known presidential candidates where any kook with the requisite $1,000 needed to appear on the state’s presidential primary ballot can suggest “afterlife orbs,” free ponies and good dental hygiene as solutions to the nation’s problems. The forum also provides a good place for a man with a boot on his head to glitterbomb anti-gay nutters like Randall Terry.

Earlier in the two-hour panel, 62-year-old performance artist and self-proclaimed dictator Vermin Supreme showed off his kidney scar and advocated free ponies and mandatory oral hygiene for all Americans. Later, his co-panelist Terry spouted off some nonsense about how abortion and marriage equality kill off babies:

“The founders gave us the Tenth Amendment to prevent the federal government from micromanaging the vast majority of details that would affect us as a country. However, they never could have conceived of a moment in which we would become so debauched that we would elevate homosexual marriage or civil unions to the level of marriage. There’s some things that are fundamentally evil, like slavery and there is no state right to hold another human being, there is no state right to kill your offspring, there is no state right to have homosexual marriage.”

Slavery used to be a state’s right too, but that’s besides the point. Shortly after the debate ended, Supreme stood up and said, “Oh, one more thing, Jesus told me to turn Randy Terry gay!” At which point Supreme emptied several pockets full of glitter onto Terry’s head while Terry sat and took it.

Anyone who has been disappointed by the horrifically bad aim of most glitter bombings can see that this is by far the most successful glitterbombing ever; so good job, crazy dude.

Terry (who once said that Obama supports slavery for his federal plantation) has connections with the anti-abortion Operation Rescue, a group that uses mangled fetuses in its advertisements, regularly harasses women and doctors at abortion clinics, opposes gay-straight alliances in schools and once burned a Koran.

Terry also had a gay son who recently died in an auto accident. After his son died, Terry asked people to for pray for God’s mercy and the eternal rest of his son’s soul. Someone should pray for Terry’s soul as well, because all the glitter in the world won’t make his ugly politics seem any less abhorrent.

Via Daily Kos

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