The Avocado mattress advert
The Avocado mattress advert (Photo: YouTube)

Christian campaign group One Million Moms is furious about a 30-second commercial for an organic mattress and pillow company. Not only does the advert in question, by a brand called Avocado, feature two same-sex couples, but it dares to state “Love is Pure … And Natural.”

Here’s the innocuous advert below, which actually first appeared online back in August.

Related: One Million Moms calls for ‘Toy Story 4’ boycott. The reason is priceless.

One Million Moms sent the following email to its supporters late last week, urging people to sign yet another petition to register their disgust.

“Avocado Mattress should be ashamed of its commercial for attempting to normalize sin by featuring same-sex couples in bed together. The newest commercial for organic mattresses not only promotes same-sex relationships by including a lesbian couple and a homosexual couple who are both very much together and cuddling, but also glamorizes it by being misleading.

“The ad states, ‘Love is Pure … And Natural.’ There is nothing pure or natural about homosexuality. The advertisement ends with these words: ‘With enough love, we can change the world. Avocado, natural as love.’

“Promoting same-sex relationships has nothing to do with marketing the product. Yet Avocado wants to make it clear where the company stands on this controversial topic, instead of remaining neutral in the culture war. One Million Moms continues to stand up for biblical truth, which is very clear about this particular sexual perversion (Romans 1:26-27).

“There is great concern about the way this advertisement is pushing the LGBTQ agenda especially when children are likely to be watching television. To make matters worse, this advertisement has aired during family viewing time.”

Related: Simone Biles slams One Million Moms for criticising her ad with Jonathan van Ness

Do you think One Million Moms realizes that thousands of kids in the US have same-sex parents? Or gay aunts and uncles?

Anyway, we’d not actually heard about Avocado mattresses and pillows before One Million Moms got irate about them, so perhaps we should thank them for putting another LGBTQ-friendly brand on our radar.

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