We continue to mourn the closing of Big Cup. Well, not really. But if sad you can own the sign that hung outside the famed Chelsea coffee shop for over a decade. It’s being auctioned off on ebay to benefit victims of that super-bitch Katrina.

There’s more gay coffee news. Forget the nature vs. nurture debate. Concerned Women for America have settled it; It’s Starbucks coffee that makes us gay.

Love the sound of shattered glass, high pitched squeals, and fingers scraping against the chalkboard? Then you will adore Goth-diva Diamanda Galas. She plays NYC tonight and Saturday.

Former trendsetter Madonna jumps in on the celebrity clothing line bandwagon – for kids. It is best she’s doing it now during her English country mom phase than during her Blonde Ambition period. Cone shaped bras for Lourdes anyone?

No No No

An urgent call for civility from the Manhattan Offender. Us gays can make a difference.

A new survey reveals, “readers of gay newspapers are mostly white men and they have more money, exercise more and buy more high tech gadgets than the general population.” Sounds like a bunch of Republicans to us.

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