Larry-Tomczak-YouTube-800x430“The indoctrination and propaganda coming from those advocating a gay lifestyle in our country, classrooms and culture are increasing,” Larry Tomczat (pictured) cautions in a new, unintentionally hilarious op-ed published by Christian Post. “All of us need to take note and take action to guard those we love.”

Tomczat then proceeds to detail every way in which gay Hollywood is “bombarding” the masses with homosexual propaganda, writing in list form:

  • Super hyped “Empire” series starts with Oscar nominee Terrence Howard having a homosexual son – and he’s a hunk.
  • “Glee” features over five gay characters.
  • Home and remodeling reality shows regularly feature lesbians and gays in partnerships exploring homes.
  • “Modern Family” features a gay couple who married over two episodes recently.
  • “Ellen DeGeneres” celebrates her lesbianism and “marriage” in between appearances of guests like Taylor Swift to attract young girls.
  • Dancing with the Stars” hosts a gay judge and gay couples.
  • “Biggest Loser” had lesbian Jillian Michaels as a role model coach.
  • “The Good Wife” now has a lesbian/bisexual investigator.
  • Scandal” has two gays.
  • “2 1/2 Men” just added a lesbian daughter.
  • “Grey’s Anatomy” highlights a lesbian couple with their child.
  • “Survivor” and other reality shows regularly parade homosexuals as contestants.
  • Anderson Cooper boasts openly on TV he’d rather “have sex” with a man plus co-hosts New Year’s Eve festivities nationwide.

“[A]re you really aware of this avalanche sweeping across our society today?” Tomczat asks. “It’s not a trickle it’s a Tsunami!”

(An avalanche and a tsunami? What are the odds of two things happening simultaneously? And in what part of the world?)

Tomczat then recounts a disturbing visit to a restaurant in Greenwich Village:

“A while ago I was in New York’s Greenwich Village sharing a meal when I engaged my waiter with this question, ‘Are there a lot of gay people in the Village?’ With a sly smile and twinkle in his eye he retorted, ‘Everybody in the Village is gay!'”

(The horror!)

But Tomczat says he wasn’t fooled.

“I didn’t believe his hyperbole for one minute,” he rambles, “but I know what’s behind that statement. Convey the impression that the LGBTQ lifestyle is simply an alternative way of living that is beautiful, natural and acceptable.”

Tomczat then goes on to explain what can be done about this dangerous threat. It’s as easy as “purchasing wholesome DVD series and streaming selected programs are great alternatives. The Fugitive, Gunsmoke, Little House on the Prairie, I Love Lucy and other award-winning shows are all available and cheap,” he writes.

“As ‘salt’ and ‘light’ Christians, we represent a bulwark against this tidal wave of unprecedented evil,” he continues. “May all of us be found faithful and vigilant at our posts.”

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