Holiday Queens

The Five Gayest Things That Happened This Thanksgiving

Was this year’s Turkey Day the most homosexual in the history of the holiday? With an ice-skating princess rocking a massive fur cape that would make Liberace blush during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and Mother Monster hosting a “Very Gaga Thanksgiving” on national TV, we think T-Day 2011 might take the gay cake with flying colors. But the gayest thing of all had to be the words I exchanged with Aunt Judy at our family dinner…
5. A Gay Turkey Named “Gobble Gobble Gurl” Came Out of the Closet Leave it to “Gay Pimp” Jonny McGovern to take to the radio and turn a Thanksgiving story into a gay coming-out bildungsroman — a hilarious one at that.
3. Somebody at ABC Decided to Give Lady Gaga a Thanksgiving Special Gay sainte Lady of the Gaga went on the air to have a good cry with lesbo-coiffed Katie Couric and sing duets with lizard-whisperer Tony Bennett. She even posed nude for a sketch that will appear in an upcoming issue of Vanity Fair and cooked a deep-fried turkey and waffles with openly gay chef Art Smith. “A Very Gay-gay Thanksgiving” indeed.
2. Macy’s Let Johnny Weir Dress Up as an Ice Princess and Ride a Giant Horse   Relish these golden words because you will never hear them spoken again on ABC: “Aboard the rocking horse is Johnny Weir, posing as this year’s Winter Monarch. At the age of 27, Johnny Weir, a three-time U.S. champion, two-time Olympian and world medalist, is one of the superstars of figure-skating and a pop-culture icon.” Another thing you may never see again: Johnny Weir topping something!

1. I Explained What Santorum Is To Aunt Judy, Because GLAAD Told Me To

Pretty gay, huh? I decided to keep it real with Aunt Betty when she brought up her love of anti-gay Senator Rick Santorum, and asked her to Google Santorum. It’s always good to expand your relatives’ horizons during the holidays! Tell us your gay Thanksgiving stories in the comments. Here’s one from Mattew Rush—who retired from porn for love, only to get quickly dumped—to get you inspired.


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  • slanty

    That’s one gay tower!

  • gurlanboi

    I didn’t see anything ”gayer” than usual. NYC holiday season is always crazy lights sparkle furry glam music lights. But my ex ”inlaws” looked at me on turkeyday and ask why the parade seemed so ”broadway.” I was all wtf. But I guess i’m their only homometrowhatever spokesman. They were really confused and put off by it. I don’t exactly fit in gay world. But if priscilla johnny and gaga all help then let them raise hell out there. I’m more rock than musical. Hate gaga but formichetti is fricken hot. Weir made me respect fem dudes for the first time in my life. I so want to sex him up. I’m from PA and Santorum is total embarassment. Every dude in my family and friends has a pic at some age pretending to lick the tower in ptown. Washington monument too. Ha. So yeh, very very very gay holiday going to rival official gay days like halloween. Good.

  • Nick

    Oh I thought Johnny Weir was Clay Aiken.

  • Jean

    gurlanboi: The Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade has ALWAYS featured performances by some of the biggest shows on Broadway-all done in front of Macy’s. In fact, if you watched
    Matt Lauer’s special that evening he did explain that the ‘first hour of the broadcast IS dedicated to Broadway’—after that the parade begins.

    Nick: Just what did you mean by that crack?? It really doesn’t make any sense at all.
    Clay is NO Johnny Weir-nothing between the both of them can be compared. (Yes, Johnny did look extremely flamboyant [something that Clay is NOT] on the float!!!) During the Matt Lauer special, the last couple of minutes of clips featured Clay’s rendition of “Silver Bells” that he performed several years ago while in the parade. Of ALL the thousands of performances of sung holiday songs during the parade, NBC chose Clay’s. I think that’s a very positive thing.

  • Nick

    It wasn’t a crack, that’s what I actually thought when I first saw that picture and hadn’t read the caption. All I’m saying is, I hadn’t seen the resemblance before.

  • Marty

    Nick……you are so transparent. NEVER, EVER, has Clay looked like Johnny Weir, especially in that outfit.

    It is OK not to like Clay, but try to be a bit more believable.

  • Roger Rabbit

    LOL, silly writer, everyone knows that most Drag Queens would NEVER bottom. They’re pushy bitchy tops!

  • Tone

    Lady Gaga was tremendous in her T-day special. It was unconventional, but fun and she really demonstrated the depth of her talent.

  • Evan Mulvihill

    @Roger Rabbit: Johnny Weir is a drag queen now? I think he’s more of a bossy bottom than a bitchy top.

  • Jean

    Tone: I agree! I really enjoyed her special. I think she’s an amazing talent; but can do without ‘some’ of her costumes. I did think she looked fabulous in the special. The gowns were gorgeous!!!

  • Chris

    @Roger Rabbit: Johnny is actually PLATINUM, coz he has divulged that he FLIPS…so apparently there have been instances where he HAS topped something (other than the rocking horse, I mean..) I adore Johnny..and seriously would NEVER have confused one with the other…Johnny is just SOOOO much more GORGEOUS!! LOOK at his porcelain skin..

  • Chris

    @Chris: @Roger Rabbit: Sorry..would never have confused Johnny with Clay Aitken, that is..

  • Dania

    Clay has lovely porcelain skin too. Its that Adam Lambert monstrosity with the crater face you’re thinking of.

  • gurlanboi

    @Jean: They meant broadway as euphemism for gay. Could feel gay radiating from the parade and didnt like it.

  • gurlanboi

    Johhny is not never will be drag queen!!!!! Said himself hes not ducktaping anything! His current bf is obvs tops. Johnnys fricken gorgeous and never be Clay or Adam!

  • Riker

    Why is Johnny Weir sitting on Sarah Jessica Parker?

  • Ogre Magi

    MMMMMM you just know Johnny Weir is a little wildcat in the sack!

  • Hyhybt

    Why is this showing up as new?

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