As we’ve previously explained, the male orgasm is an intense neuromuscular euphoria that begins with a gradual throb of the sphincter and climaxes with an explosion at the tip of his penis, about 10 to 15 seconds later.

So what happens once those 10 to 15 seconds are up and the fun is over?

Researchers at Pace University are on a mission to find out. They recently conducted a study on orgasm etiquette, in which participants, mostly consisting of gay men and heterosexual women, were asked their opinions about climaxing in the bedroom, the Huffington Post reports.

Most participants agreed that mutual orgasm (i.e. cumming at the same time as their partner) was their preferred scenario. Which makes total sense. Cumming together is fun. Not to mention, nobody likes being the odd one out, or having to awkwardly finish themselves off with their partner gently snoring beside them, or, on the flip side, performing seemingly endless fellatio on their lover, who may or may not be suffering from performance anxiety, when all they really want to do is roll over and fall into a blissful sleep.

The second most popular scenario indicated that men preferred to finish after their partner. How cum — er — come? Well, it could have to do with the fact that after a man achieves orgasm he enters a “refractory period,” during which even light touch to his genitals can be less than pleasurable. If his partner is already taken care of, he doesn’t have to worry about continuing to perform when his less-than-throbbing member would rather be taking a coffee break.

The final tidbit of information the study uncovered was this: That the majority of participants believed, regardless of who finishes first, both parties should ultimately achieve orgasm. When it comes to dancing the hanky panky, nobody should be left out in the cold. Proof that the concept of reciprocity is still alive and well.


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