We’re not sure about you guys, but we definitely read your comments. Sure, we may gloss over a few of the less pertinent ramblings – for example, the schmuck who keeps plugging his Genre scandal-ridden MOTY candidacy, you know who you are – but we like to think we’re pretty in touch with what’s happening on the other side of the technological fence.

You can be sure, then, that we caught actress Cady Huffman‘s comments regarding our comments on her attendance at HRC’s gala dinner (phew, that was exhausting). Under a picture of her, we wrote, “From winning a Tony for playing Ulla in The Producers to an HRC dinner. What a tragic fall for actress Cady Huffman”.

Well, apparently Ms. Huffman didn’t like that so much, because she left us this note:

Gotta say I’m a little hurt by your catty comment regarding my presence at the Gala. I was presenting an award to Creative Alternatives New York (CANY) for their community service. CANY is a terrific organization that helps individuals regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, education etc…Hope you’re not really that jaded. Just trying to do what good I can. Peace.

Unfortunately we are that jaded, but not jaded enough to want to make it up to Ms. Huffman. So, we’ve pasted a very special video for her and anyone else we’ve ever offended or may offend in the future (preemptive ass covering…works every time).

Oh, and for those of you who doubt that Huffman actually commented – we checked it out and it’s definitely her: she sent it from her basketball coach hubby’s email address. (Okay, we’re actually not sure…)
We were pretty down when we came across the video. So down, in fact, that we could have cried. But, of course, that would require a heart (yeah, we’re that jaded).

Luckily this face off between The Temptations and The Four Tops brought a little cha-cha cheer to our otherwise miserable lives. It was five minutes and 54-seconds of unbridled bliss.

But, then it ended… Sigh.

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