Don’t say he didn’t warn you.

Nutcase rabbi extraordinaire Yehuda Levin is putting the world—especially the “special Chanukah conclave” of more than 850 ultra-Orthodox rabbis who recently gathered in New York City to hear him—on notice: A Mitt Romney presidency means a “homosexualized” America.

Which of course, in turn, means rampant child abuse.

The homo-obsessed Levin has previously blamed the gays for everything from 9/11 to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Now he’s got Mitt in his sights—clearly the would-be Republican presidential nominee wants nothing more than to turn the United States into one big Gaga-worshipping bareback bathhouse.

“Governor Romney, over a long political career, has earned the title of homosexualist,” rants Levin, “one who constantly advances the militant, anti-religious, anti-society, immoral homosexual agenda to the detriment of family people.”

“We plead with other religious groups to speak out on this,” his spew continues, “and we plead with religious people to understand that the increase of the homosexualization of society increases the likelihood of Sandusky-like child abuse.”

Oh, blah blah blah. Now if you’ll excuse us, we need to go back to roasting this baby we just murdered.

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