

So you can pretty much forget about a full-blown effort to repeal Prop 8 in 2010, because the project’s earliest backers are punting on the issue.

The Courage Campaign’s Rick Jacobs (pictured), which blew off Equality California’s attempt to back a 2012 repeal and move ahead faster, now says the latest very-expensive polling reveals they don’t have the financial leverage (or voter support) for a satisfactory stab at a 2010 repeal. “We do not see a path to victory,” says Jacobs after reviewing the $200k in polling data, bought with members’ support and led by Steve Hildebrand.


That leaves Restore Equality 2010, headed by Chaz Lowe (formerly? of Yes On Equality), also dropping out of the race — though the org will still “work with” (?) the last remaining big 2010 supporter. That’s Love Honor Cherish, whose co-founder John Henning (pictured) calls CC’s announcement “not entirely surprising.” And: “We’re going to go ahead.” Which is a nice sentiment, but Henning also won’t say how many signatures he’s collected (they’re shooting for one million by April), nor how much cash he’s raised (though this report says he’s got just $200k in the bank, a far cry from the estimated $50-$60m needed to run a successful campaign). Meanwhile, LHC faces criticism inside California’s Gay Inc. community as being “unorganized,” “self-serving,” and, according to one insider we spoke with, “an absolute mess to work with.”


As for Geoff Kors, head of EQCA, which in August officially announced it would back only a 2012 repeal, he says he won’t even sign a petition to put the repeal on the 2010 ballot. Then again, EQCA never thought 2010 had a chance in hell anyhow, and now they get to do the I Told You So chicken dance.

Of course, there are critics of Jacobs’s leadership. Namely, from our favorite Gay Inc. stalwart Michael Petrelis, who is curious about this two hundred thousand dollar research CC is citing as a reason to bail on 2010: “I do so hate to be the skunk at the Gay Inc garden party hosted by Courage and Lambda Legal, but can someone show me, and the rest of the affected community, this amazing research? If Gay Inc gave a damn about transparency, we would see these two orgs sharing the research leading to their decision, on our behalf.”

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