Sulu would be proud.

Openly gay actor and activist George Takei, best known for playing Sulu on Star Trek and being sassy on the internet, has started a Care2 petition in support of Muslim Americans, and it’a clearly striking a nerve.

Related: George Takei: Star Trek’s Gay Sulu Scene Didn’t Go Far Enough

In Takei’s “Stand Up for Muslims in the U.S.” petition, he uses his family’s history of internment in the United States to illustrate his concern regarding the incoming administration’s xenophobic rhetoric regarding Muslims:

We were prisoners in our own country, held within barbed wire compounds, armed guards pointing guns down at us. It was an egregious violation of our rights under the U.S. Constitution, all in the name of “security.” During that time, fear and racism drove government policy, creating a living hell for over 120,000 innocent Japanese Americans, most of whom were U.S. citizens.

On Trump’s calls for an immigration “ban” he says:

It starts with a registry, with restrictions, with irrationally ascribed guilt, and with fear. But we know well where it might lead.

The fear of a Muslim internment camp or registry isn’t as far-fetched as it seems. A Trump backer appeared on Fox News last fall and argued the Japanese internment set a “precedent” for a potential Muslim registry.

The petition’s goal is 65,000 signatures, but with 62k already signed and counting, it’s well on its way to surpassing that mark.

Related: George Takei gives Trump a reminder of the profound horror of nuclear weapons

Once the goal is met, Takei plans to present the petition in person to government authorities, as well as the Muslim Public Affairs Council.


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