This weekend at the 2011 Values Voters Summit Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, House Speaker John Boehner, and Majority Leader Eric Cantor will share the stage with hate-group leaders Bryan Fischer and Tony Perkins as well as Matt Barber and a bunch of other rabidly anti-gay types.

Will any of the GOP Presidential candidates speak out against the hate? Will Fischer remind Romney that Mormons are Satan’s milkshake? Which hater will say the most batshit-crazy thing? Let’s take a peek into the crazy lineup and see!

Pam Spaulding of Pam’s House Blend gives us a thorough rundown:

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association – Fischer blames gays for the Holocaust, domestic terrorism, a “virtual genocide” against the military, and thinks that “homosexuals should be disqualified from public office ” He also thinks black women “rut like rabbits,” that the Bill of Rights does not apply to non-Christians, and the “stupid, inbreeding” Muslims should all get deported.

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council – Perkins supports the criminalization of homosexuality and asked his followers to pray for harsh anti-gay laws in Malawi. He has also called the It Gets Better Project “immoral,” “disgusting,” and claims that it promotes “perversion.” He has also said that the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” will basically destroy the U.S. military.

Mat Staver of the Liberty University School of Law and its legal affiliate, Liberty Counsel – Not only did the Liberty Counsel file a lawsuit to overturn New York’s Marriage Equality Act, Staver also aggressively promotes “ex-gay” reparative therapy, calls opposition to the criminalization of homosexuality “immoral,” and vocally supports Lisa Miller, the ex-gay lesbian who kidnapped her partner’s child and fled to Nicaragua.

Sarah Palin’s protege Star Parker – We’ve already highlighted how this nutjob thinks that marriage equality equals AIDS, but let us not forget that she also “helped rob a liquor store at gunpoint, aborted four babies in two years, and bilked the welfare system out of thousands of dollars.”

Bishop Harry Jackson – This Washington D.C. “holy man” long opposed marriage equality efforts in the nation’s capital even going so far as to call for a “SWAT Team” of “Holy Ghost terrorists” to help repeal hate crimes legislation protecting gays and lesbians. He has also said that pro-LGBT black organizations have “sold out the black community” and that gay marriage is part of “a Satanic plot to destroy our seed.” Seed. That’s high-lair-ee-yuss.

Laura Ingraham A conservative political commentator who held “the most extreme anti-homosexual views imaginable” while serving as editor of The Dartmouth Review. She thinks that gay men spit in straight people’s food to give them AIDS, used to publish the names of all Dartmouth students who attended LGBT alliance meetings, has called gay rights groups “cheerleaders for latent… Sodomites” and says she will always be against gay marriage even though her own brother is gay.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has asked the Republican leadership to speak out against these hate mongers at the Value Voters Summit, but why would the GOPs risk alienating their base by doing that? Personally, we’re hoping that all take big, smiley group photos together so we can plaster them all over the web until next November—a big upside to this entire sordid affair.

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