Kids today have no respect for their elders! Take The Wanted (please!), the new British/Irish boy band toddling its way up the pop charts. Stopping by 92.3 Now FM after their appearance on The Voice, the lads were only too happy to call judge Christina Aguilera “a total bitch.”

Max George: She’s a bit scary, to be honest.

Host: I thought she looked really good. I thought she looked alright.

Tom Parker: She’s a total bitch! She might not be a bitch in real life but to us she was a bitch. She just sat there and didn’t speak to us.”

Nathan Sykes: She might have been in a bad mood that day—didn’t she completely [diss] Justin Bieber as well? He went in for a hug and she was like, ‘Get away from me’.

Y’know who’s not a total bitch? Jennifer Lopez! George proved his overwhelming  hetero prowess by giving Jenny from the Block a big wet kiss when the band appeared on American Idol. He explained, “JLo’s hot. Christina’s nothing special.”

You poor naive fools. Don’t you know Xtina got plump by eating the carcasses of boybanders who rubbed her the wrong way?

A commenter on D Listed put the blame for the cold shoulder squarely on the boys, though.

“I’m a backstage runner at The Voice and I’ve been telling all my friends about this new boy band acting like divas when they were on the show last week.

Both Christina and Adam did NOT like them at all. The guy named Tom in the band asked Christina if she felt more beautiful now that she lost all that weight? We were all shocked! She didn’t quite hear the whole question and asked her assistant if she heard what he said? But then Max jumped in and said “She is beautiful no matter what you say” in mocking kind of way. Christina’s boyfriend Matt Rutler was also backstage and didn’t like what he was hearing. Finally Christina said, “You boys better calm down and focus on yourselves.” She walked off really mad when Tom came out and told her not to worry and that “Britney still needs to work on her looks too for X Factor. It must be all those drugs she is on.” Christina was so mad!

The rest of the evening Christina ignored them. The boys didn’t understand why but then one of their assistants reminded them of the stuff they said earlier about Christina’s weight loss and Britney’s bad looks and drug taking. Nathan (who is also in the band) was really upset those things were ever said but the other guys ignored him. Tom said, “Why is she acting like such a bitch for?” Max agreed saying they were only joking around. So awkward!

Dang, maybe The Wanted should go on Drag Race, where that kind of shade is appreciated!

Photos: Nick Stepowyj, Mercury Records

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