Six hundred Polish writers, academics and other intellectuals penned a letter to their president, Lech Kaczynski condemning his use of a gay American couple’s picture for his anti-gay political purposes. [Petrelis Files]
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M Shane
This is the kind of thing which ould not happen in the U.S. because of the incredible and frightening facist antintelectualism in America.
The sudden frightening growth and dominence of fundametalist religious extrmism is central to fascist government; where else in the civilized world would we have a president who doesn’t (maybe can’t read a book) .
Poland is another example of a Democratic Socialist government , where the unions have won out over the forces of a Corporatist dictatorship. Here here the intellectuals are so few and far between and so scared that they don’t speak out against the outrages of our government.
Thank fully there is progrss in some parts of the world, as it dies here.