ON OUR GAYDAR — News, notes, clicks, and quips from around the web.


• Um, so married-with-kids Democratic Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky, a bisexual lady supposedly, was the target of a lesbian sexual affair blackmail plot by Turkish operatives? Scandal! But also, this means there’s a bi lady in Congress?

• A Guilford College student in North Carolina received two anti-gay death threats in one week. Now, what to do about it.

• It took Steven Pomie three years, but he’s finally admitted to brutally attacking Dwan Prince twice (and almost a third time) in a 2005 assault that left Prince partially paralyzed. In 2006, Pomie was convicted for first-degree assault and first-degree assault as a hate crime, but maintained his innocence. His conviction was overturned, though on re-trial it was Prince who wrote Pomie thanking him for the assault and wishing for leniency. Pomie is expected to receive just under eight years of mandatory jail time.

PetSmart is a better shop to cruise guys … than Starbucks?

• It’s surprising how often Taylor Lautner is shirtless when you visit the Twilight set in Vancouver.


• We’re thoroughly enjoying this photo gallery from the Value Voters Summit.

• Fair Wisconsin wants a court to toss a lawsuit hoping to invalidate the state’s new domestic partnership law, which Wisconsin Family Action says violates a constitutional ban barring same-sex marriage.

• Christian Civic League of Maine chief Mike Heath, who’s been helping spearhead the fight against marriage there, resigns. Was he pushed out?

• A map-based guide to the National Equality March.

• Please stop nailing bags of condoms to trees in parks where guys are cruising. It’s, like, bad for the environment.

• Bishop Harry Jackson, the religious man leading the fight against D.C.’s gay marriage, kindly asks white conservatives to stop getting all racist-y towards the president.

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