The sponsors of California’s Proposition 8 have petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn a February decision that struck down the anti-equality measure.

Calling the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals two-to-one decision “misguided,” the group’s petition admitted that the Constitution does not mandate one-man/one-woman marriage but claims “it leaves the definition of marriage in the hands of the people, to be resolved through the democratic process in each state.”

But Charles J. Cooper, lead attorney for Prop 8 sponsor Protect Marriage, said the Supremes have “made it very clear that the age-old definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman is constitutional as a matter of state public policy.”  He chastened the lower court for “essentially reject[ing] all relevant Supreme Court and appellate court precedent while attacking the character and judgment of millions of Californians.”

The 9th Circuit’s ruling has been put on hold pending the outcome of this appeal for review, which requires four votes by the high court.

After the filing, Rick Jacobs, founder of the pro-equality Courage Campaign, is quick to call the haters out:

“The President of the United States, a majority of the American public, two federal courts and most of America’s NATO allies view marriage equality as a fact. But Brian Brown, Charles Cooper, Andy Pugno, and Mitt Romney continue to stampede over the cliff of historical irrelevance, insisting that America will cease to function if gays and lesbians can marry. The major problem with this thesis is that seven states and the District of Columbia welcome marriage for all and the country functions just fine, the sun still shines and the world still rotates on its axis.

We can only hope that the Supreme Court will once again act for all Americans on the right side of history, not for a few hysterical ones scared of love.”

Still, the Supremes better do what Mitt and company ask—or else they might take their toys and go home.

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