kissing_mormonsThe diligent student staff of the Brigham Young University bookstore are relieved to have spotted and removed the ungodly cards celebrating same-sex marriage from their shelves this afternoon.

Though no reports of injuries or widespread panic were made in the very short time that the Hallmark greeting cards crassly labeled “Mr. and Mr.” and “Mrs. and Mrs.” remained in public view — it was “not long,” BYU spokeswoman Carri Jenkins tells the AP — the stench of their former presence will surely remain on the minds of many concerned students.

The placement of said cards was apparently the handiwork of an insensitive Hallmark employee tasked with regularly stocking the school’s retail shelves. As an almost exclusively Mormon school owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the cards’ mere presence on school property was a direct violation of the honor code.

The AP reports: “It states that while being attracted to people of the same gender doesn’t violate the honor code, acting on those feelings is a violation.” Jenkins added that “homosexual behavior includes not only sexual relations between members of the same sex, but all forms of physical intimacy that give expression to homosexual feelings.”

Strangely enough, BYU has an Understanding Same Gender Attraction (USGA) club, and its senior president Samy Galvez can’t stop raving about “how welcoming and how loving people are [at BYU].”

Though he declined to comment on the greeting card situation, Galvez mentions that changes in the honor code now “allow students to talk about their sexual orientation without fear of being expelled.” Phew!

“Even though you know people adhere to a standard of conduct of not advocating for same-sex marriage, at the same time that doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of showing empathy,” he said.

[h/t Gawker]

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