img_2889-e1403882753485-300x400There are religious idiots who show up at Pride, and then there’s “Trinity Works.”

The Christian group infiltrated Twin Cities Pride in Minnesota, setting up a corn feed [a wholesome-sounding activity that we Googled, but we’re still not quite sure what it is] and luring pride goers into their tent using overtly shady tactics and subjecting them to all manner of garbage.

And to take matters from bad to terrible, these nut jobs were convinced that they were actually there to heal people of HIV and AIDS. With Jesus.

The group’s leader Steven Uggen was quoted saying:

“The Lord really wanted to demonstrate his goodness to this community by releasing healing of HIV and AIDS, so we believe we’re going to see people healed of HIV and AIDS.”

The situation was so bad that OutFront Minnesota, an LGBT anti-violence program, deployed volunteers to specifically deal with the disruption Trinity Works was making.

You know, like counseling unsuspecting revelers who had just been told they were going to hell for eternity. Things like that.

And the worst part? Trinity Works is actually claiming their presence was a huge success.

Here’s the stats they posted on Facebook:

One especially sigh-worthy comment reads, “Huge dent in the earth for Jesus!”

They also tricked people into posing for pictures, claiming on social media that they’d personally brought these sinners back to God.

Case in point:

The group is promising an even more pronounced presence at next year’s event.


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