Repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is either “barely hanging on with life support” or the effort “could still get 60 votes in the Senate.” Which might mean the same thing? Apparently what’s needed is a big push from Democratic leadership, and Obama supposedly offered that today by calling up Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, to tell him to keep repeal in the Pentagon spending bill, and a presser tomorrow from Sens. Gillibrand, Udall, and Lieberman will publicly push Democrats to support the effort. Update: An announcement from Gay Inc. claims Reid will bring the National Defense Authorization Act (with repeal attached) to a vote during the lame duck session after Thanksgiving. Sen. Harry Reid says in his own statement, “During the work period following the Thanksgiving holidays, I will bring the Defense Authorization bill to the floor, including a repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ Our Defense Department supports repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ as a way to build our all-volunteer armed forces. We need to repeal this discriminatory policy so that any American who wants to defend our country can do so.”

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