So, that is over. Well, it is minus the little part about Judge Vaughn Walker issuing his ruling. But both sides — AFER’s Olson-Boies and’s Charles Cooper — have rested their cases. And even if you’re a supporter of Prop 8, you’ve got to admit: the defense blew it.
In Perry v. Schwarzenegger, it was Olson and Boies, on behalf of their gay couple defendants, who were required to prove their case: That Prop 8 is unconstitutional, was motivated by animus, and must be struck down. They did it. More than adequately. And they didn’t just make the legal argument (which we’re well aware is the most important), but the logical one — how legalizing same-sex marriage won’t keep straight couples from getting married or having kids, and how re-authorizing marriages for gay couples will make more families more stable. And without question, Cooper’s roster of “experts” completely annihilated’s core arguments. There’s just no way around it; their own witnesses admitted laws like the Defense of Marriage Act, similar in many ways to Prop 8, are discriminatory. And how legalizing same-sex marriage is — wait for it, wait for it — a good thing.
The entire production was an embarrassment for the defense. That is an objective observation. And Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (which was not a defendant in the case), accidentally confirmed as much in a live chat following Wednesday’s closing arguments.
Ah yes, the closing arguments. The final say from Olson-Boies and Cooper, as they worked to answer Judge Walker’s last litmus test before he concludes the future of Prop 8, and marriage discrimination in California, in the next few weeks.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
“Eliminating invidious restrictions on marriage strengthens the institution of marriage,” Olson told the court.
As for Cooper, when he was asked by Walker, “Why is it that marriage has such a large public role? What is the purpose?,” the defense attorney responded, “This relationship is crucial to the public interest.… Procreative sexual relations both are an enormous benefit to society and represent a very real threat to society’s interest.” It again threw Cooper, and the defense team’s core argument, down the rabbit hole. “Threat?,” asked Walker. Cooper: “If children are born into the world without this stable, marital union … both of the parents that brought them into the world, then a host of very important, very negative social implications arise…. The purpose of marriage is to provide society’s approval to that sexual relationship and to the actual production of children.”
In a perfect world, the logic fail of Cooper’s thesis would be apparent for even the most ardent supporters of Prop 8. It likely won’t be, though, for the same reasons Prop 8’s defenders will be shocked when, if Walker is the rational and thinking man we presume him to be, he strikes down Prop 8.
What concluded Wednesday will determine but a chapter in America’s testy relationship with marriage equality, but it is an indicator for how all of this will play out. For, as this case advances and likely winds up before the Supreme Court’s nine justices, the next deciders of legalized discrimination will look upon Walker’s ruling, and how he came to his decision, and how Olson and Boies and Cooper influenced his decision.
And they must reach the same conclusion Judge Walker will. That each person in California is to enjoy the same right to lawfully wed as every other person. And so it shall soon be for every American.
I have to admit that ted olsen is a genius. his closing statement was pure perfection.
What’s that song again from the film ‘Footloose’? Ah, I got it……. “Let’s hear it for the Boies”
{groan at my pun, I don’t mind!}
Brilliant work, Olson + Boies.
Those Prop. 8 supporters were PWNED by you. Your team had better expert witnesses, finer logic, and simply appeared much more prepared,
I still think this case will end up at SCOTUS, but will keep an open ear for people who know the legal ins + outs better than I.
Plus I a bit of a cynic at times.
The best news I’ve read was when the people for Prop.8, said that “DOMA” was discriminatory. We are all Americans, not just some of us, or just the straight ones, we all need to abide by the same Constitution. Let us Americans, live in the world we were born into with the same freedoms as the rest.
Wow. Talk about waiting with bated breath. I’m cautiously optimistic.
Does anyone know when exactly the ruling is.
DR (the real one, not the guy who made post #12)
@Lamar: Could take months.
D'oh, The Magnificent
If it was about the law, logic or facts, we would have won a long time ago. Its not, and this is only a district court win, if we do win.
California, there are some VERY anxious BiGLT West Virginians who are waiting for good news! Don’t let us down!
D'oh, The Magnificent
@mountainword: This isn’t a case based on California law.
When I read the Yes on 8 intervenor’s answer to the original complaint, what struck me was that their general defense language of “this court can’t grant relief” was almost a dare, if not an admission that they were going to lose and setting up an “error of law” appeal.
Next, in their MSJ, the Yes on 8 folks rose to the bait. Instead of trotting out the “political question doctrine,” in a hope the court would recognize the sovereignty of voters in an electoral matter, they went for the cultural/legal arguments.
These were the same arguments they cut and pasted into their trial brief which was swatted out of the park on a frozen rope by Olson-Boies and Cooper.
It will probably take the judge a minimum of a week to do this, if not two or three, because his decision, sure to be long and reasoned either way, is going to be picked apart by the Ninth and probably the Supremes…
mojo sends
Bill Perdue
One of the key items that caught my attention was the argument by the Prop 8 lawyers requesting the court to sweat aside recognition of the 18,000 or so same sex marriages performed in California in the brief time it was legal.
The central sponsors of Prop 8 include the roman cult, the mormon hierarchy and Rick Warrens dominationist evangelicals. Not coincidentally some of these same groups are active in Africa and elsewhere spreading their gospel of hate and violence.
The roman cult archbishop of Mozambique, Francisco Chimoio issued a pastoral letter saying that condoms and HIV/AIDS meds have been deliberately infected with the HIV virus. Hundreds of people are infected every day in Mozambique and in other countries where christer abstinence is held up as a preventive. According to the BBC ” Catholics make up 17 percent of Mozambique’s population. More than 16 percent of Mozambique’s 19 million people, mostly aged between 14 and 49, are infected with HIV/AIDS. About 500 infections are recorded every day, according to the health department. AIDS patients occupy more than 50 percent of Mozambique’s hospital beds.”
All over Africa cuts in spending due to the global ‘long recession’ and the continued propaganda against condoms and for abstinence are fueling the crisis. Associated Press By Donna Bryson Friday, May. 28, 2010 – JOHANNESBURG, South Africa – Doctors are being forced to turn away people with HIV/AIDS – meaning they will fall ill and almost certainly die” in “Congo, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe…”
In Uganda a far more sinister christer intervention is leading to the possibility of mass murder of GLBT folks. For years Obama’s political bedmate Warren and other dominationists have invested millions in Uganda aimed at creating a christer state and murdering us.
One way or another these christer thugs seem to be out to get us. They bought the Parliament of Uganda and paid for the ‘legal’ pogrom bill still under consideration with one goal in mind – importing it to other countries if it’s successful. The events in California and in Africa are linked by having the same sponsors. This is fair warning for those bamboozled into thinking we’re advancing unchecked towards utopia.
No. 11 · Bill Perdue wrote, “One of the key items that caught my attention was the argument by the Prop 8 lawyers requesting the court to sweat aside recognition of the 18,000 or so same sex marriages performed in California in the brief time it was legal.”
It’s not a key item, just an attempt to look good to Prop 8 supporters. It’s simply not relevant to the case. It would be like your landlord suing you for not paying the rent, so in closing arguments, you tell the judge that the landlord had dinged your car and you want him to compensate you for it. The judge, if he can keep a straight face, will tell you that you have to file a separate lawsuit for that.
Bill Perdue
@B: Oh no. Stung by bitter little ‘B’, our resident rightwing ambulance chaser and friend of all things right wing.
Just a little reminder, ‘B’. This is the real world, not diovorce court. Don’t bother the adults and do try to keep us.
Yo: @ Bill Perdue & @ B:
Y’all just needs to get a quiet Motel 6 room& figures out how to get alongs or just stay real quiet. There b seksual tensions between yalls or sumthing that u needs figgurin out, cuz for all rest of us this is getting TERRIBLY TIRESOME and stale and old.
Be lovers, not haters.
said otherwise: please kindly stop annoying a decent conversation with your own conflict.
jasonesque, I provided some factual information – that Andrew Pugno was simply throwing in a bogus request that the judge would obviously reject. Pugno probably threw that in because he knows he is likely to lose. He undoubtedly needs a list of requests that the judge turned down in order to claim that his side lost because they were dealing with a highly biased “activist judge”, so he threw in one that the judge would have to ignore to make his list longer.
Remember, Pugno is not trying to convince you. He’s trying to convince Prop 8 supporters. And in addition, Andrew Pugno is running for the state assembly. He’s a Republican and pandering to the religious right wing, whom he is also representing in the trial, is one of the things Republicans running for office in California tend to do (the ones who actually get past the primaries).
As to any “arguments”, talk to that moron Bill Perdue – he’s the guy with the grudge who blows a gasket when he sees a fact that he doesn’t like.
@B: Thanks for explaining Pugno’s request. As a non-attorney, it seemed odd and out of place to me until you clarified it. I appreciate your posts.
Bill Perdue
@jasonesque: Sorry, but you’re just going to have to get used to people arguing. At Queerty we have leftists, centrists like Obots and Republicans and finally a few rightists like ‘B’. When it comes to politics people rarely agree and when a Roy Cohn wannabe like ‘B’ gets involved it gets downright nasty.
‘B’ defends other rightists the way any slick lawyer does, by deflecting the discussion. He doesn’t say that rightwing self-loathing christer bigot Rekers is a good guy. He defends Rekers with a feint; playing church lady, ‘B’ identifies sex worker Jo-Vanni Roman as a ‘rent boy’ and then insinuates that Jo-Vanni was lying. Anything to get his client off the hook. Of the 7 people commenting on this thread 5 tell ‘B’ to stfu in various ways and one has nothing to say. Not everyone appreciates a right wing lawyer in the mold of Roy Cohn.
In the discussions about rightwing, self loathing ‘homosexual’ California Senator Ashburn ‘B’ claims that “I couldn’t find one anti-LGBT bill that he introduced, and none of the votes were close enough that one person would make a difference in the outcome. He didn’t make homophobic statements either as far as I know.”
‘B’s defense is like saying that since this closeted bigot didn’t set puppies on fire and didn’t actually bomb any gay bars or have publicity shots taken with Ahmadinejad at hangings in Iran that somehow Ashburn’s harmless. “… as far as I know.”
Ashburn’s votes against us were not harmless. They empowered bigots. The right wing politics that he upheld, like the incessant hate speech of the cults (another downtrodden lot ‘B’ defends) are the direct cause of harassment, discrimination and violence. Especially against GLBT youth.
‘B’ is getting worse. Commenting on Prop 8 he uses a particularly ugly racist manipulation of statistics to pretend that African Americans played a big role in defeating same sex marriage in California. Instead of examining the real weight of anti-SSM votes among Blacks, which was negligible among the total of 52% who voted for Prop 8 by comparing it to just 2%.
Here’s B’s racist view: “Proposition Eight passed by 52% of the vote, and Blacks accounted for nearly 30% of that 2% margin in favor of Proposition Eight. That isn’t enough to “tip the scale”, but it is a pretty significant chunk of it.” He likes to quote an NLGTF report on this question but that report says “According to this survey, blacks’ support for the ballot measure was much lower than reported by Election Day exit polls” the exact opposite of ‘B’s rancid racist claim that the Black vote was a “pretty significant chunk of it.”
Now stay tuned for the next installment of ‘They’re all against poor, poor ‘B’ on As The Stomach Turns
In No. 18 · Bill Perdue is continuing his personal vendetta – he just put an almost identical pack of lies on another thread
( and scroll down to No 67 to find almost the exact same crap from him – my response is directly below [No; 68])
He’s lying regarding the report in question. You can find it at (it is a useful analysis of the Proposition Eight vote). One of his lies is regarding the exit polls. One exit poll claimed that Blacks voted 70% in favor of Proposition Eight. The report I quoted gave 58% (and that is the number I used, adding that the analysis showed the the excess Black vote in favor of Proposition Eight was due primarily to religious affiliation, not race/ethnicity.)
Bill Perdue
Tedious and lackluster describe the newest lies from ‘B’, wannabe Roy Cohn, trying to do the impossible – excuse his outrageous anti-LGBT rightwing politics.
Commenting on Prop 8 he uses his manipulation of statistics to pretend that African Americans played a big role in defeating same sex marriage in California. Instead of examining the real weight of anti-SSM votes among Blacks, which was negligible among the total of 52% who voted for Prop 8, ‘B’ wants to compare it to just 2%. Why not compare it to .02% and make it look like the diciding factor?
Here’s B’s racist view: “Proposition Eight passed by 52% of the vote, and Blacks accounted for nearly 30% of that 2% margin in favor of Proposition Eight. That isn’t enough to “tip the scale”, but it is a pretty significant chunk of it.” He likes to quote an NLGTF report on this question but that report says “According to this survey, blacks’ support for the ballot measure was much lower than reported by Election Day exit polls” the exact opposite of ‘B’s rancid racist claim that the Black vote was a “pretty significant chunk of it.”
Now stay tuned for the next installment of ‘They’re all against poor, poor ‘B’ on As The Stomach Turns.
It’s no vendetta ‘B’, there are lots of people here who refuse to let rightwing liars like you get a free pass. Neither to the others commenters on or in the discussions about Ashburn, religion, the Democrats and Republicans, etc,
It’s simple. Quit lying and we’ll quit calling you on it.
In No 20, cyberstalker Bill Perdue is showing that he is such a loser that he can’t even think up his own material – after posting one lie after another on a different thread, I referred to Perdue as a “Goebbels wannabe” given his use of the “big lie” technique, which is just what he is doing now.
Even funnier, all the real right-wingers I’ve met think I’m a radical liberal. Factually-challenged Bill Perdue can’t seem to get anything right.
The man is simply a pathological liar. It is not “racist” to point out that the margin in favor of Proposition Eight from the African American vote (8% = 58% – 50%) accounts for 28% of the 2% margin (52% – 50%) that Proposition Eight got, particularly when it was pointed out that religiosity was the important factor, not race/ethnicity (African Americans simply attend church services more frequently than Whites and Asians).
Pointing that out does not mean “blaming” African Americans. Rather it is an indication of where the campaign against Proposition Eight fell short. If we ignore the data, we won’t do any better next time around. Failing, it seems, is just what Bill Perdue wants us to do – he’s sure putting a lot of effort into trying to cover over the truth.
Bill Perdue
Desperate and boring describe ‘B’ latest lying screed. His channeling of Roy Cohn continues unabated.
As does his defense of his racist claim, using cooked stats, to pretend that African Americans played a big role in defeating same sex marriage in California. Instead of examining the real weight of anti-SSM votes among Blacks, which was negligible among the total of 52% who voted for Prop 8, ‘B’ wants to compare it to just 2%. Why not compare it to .02% and make it look like the deciding factor?
Desperate and boring describe ‘B’ latest lying screed. His channeling of Roy Cohn continues unabated.
As does his defense of his racist claim, using cooked stats, to pretend that African Americans played a big role in defeating same sex marriage in California. Instead of examining the real weight of anti-SSM votes among Blacks, which was negligible among the total of 52% who voted for Prop 8, ‘B’ wants to compare it to just 2%. Why not compare it to .02% and make it look like the deciding factor?
Here’s B’s racist view: “Proposition Eight passed by 52% of the vote, and Blacks accounted for nearly 30% of that 2% margin in favor of Proposition Eight. That isn’t enough to “tip the scale”, but it is a pretty significant chunk of it.” He likes to quote an NLGTF report on this question but that report says “According to this survey, blacks’ support for the ballot measure was much lower than reported by Election Day exit polls” the exact opposite of ‘B’s rancid racist claim that the Black vote was a “pretty significant chunk of it.” His racist lie began in In No 18 of that thread he lays out his racist views, unalloyed by the later backtracking about ‘doing a better job’.
That’s followed by ‘B’ latest outrageous lie, that he’s somehow to the left of the other rightwingers he hangs around with. What nonsense. Who said that to ‘B’. Was it his ‘dude’ buddies Rekers, or Ashburn, or was it both. Or was it former Senator Craig, he of the wide stance, or Pastor Ted Haggard. Or was he channeling Roy Cohn at the time of this revelation?
No. 22 · Bill Perdue continues his baldfaced lies a la Goebbels -repeating them in the hope that someone will believe him. He’s seen corrections to his misstatements multiple times and simply ignores them, so we can only conclude that he is some sort of pathological liar.
Fact: contains an accurate analysis of the Proposition Eight vote. It points out that the 70% Black vote reported in one exit poll was an inaccurate number – the actual vote was 58% (with a margin of error, of course) and that the differences between racial groups was due mostly to “religiosity” – Blacks voted more heavily in favor of Proposition Eight because they tend to be more religious than the population as a whole. Perdue’s use of the plural “exit polls” is simply wrong – only *one* exit poll showed an anomalously high value for the Black vote.
Perdue (being an idiot) is also completely silent about Figure 3 of the report – the caption states “That is, support for Proposition 8 was greatest in precincts that are the least
racially diverse.” It’s consistent with what I said – that the problem was with the campaign opposing Proposition Eight. Voters in more racially diverse districts were probably hearing more points of view and more real discussion of those (not mere soundbytes) than voters in more homogeneous districts were an “echo chamber” effect can exist. It suggests things that have to be fixed if a campaign to repeal Proposition Eight is needed (i.e., if the courts do not get rid of it for us). And Perdue, shouting “racism” at hearing the truth, is trying to stifle that discussion.
With that sort of behavior, Bill Perdue is a far worse threat to LGBT rights than Roy Ashcroft, who merely voted against those rights like nearly every other Republican in the California State Senate (who are so far in the minority that they can’t do much damage, no matter how hard they try).
Bill Perdue
‘B’ is up late tonite telling lies.
He continues his racist claim, using stats he cooked himself, to pretend that African Americans played a big role in defeating same sex marriage in California. Instead of examining the real weight of anti-SSM votes among Blacks, which was negligible among the total of 52% who voted for Prop 8, ‘B’ wants to compare it to just 2%. Why not compare it to .02% and make it look like the deciding factor?
Here’s B’s racist view: “Proposition Eight passed by 52% of the vote, and Blacks accounted for nearly 30% of that 2% margin in favor of Proposition Eight. That isn’t enough to “tip the scale”, but it is a pretty significant chunk of it.” He likes to quote an NLGTF report on this question but that report says “According to this survey, blacks’ support for the ballot measure was much lower than reported by Election Day exit polls” the exact opposite of ‘B’s rancid racist claim that the Black vote was a “pretty significant chunk of it.” His lies first appeared in comment No 18 of
Now he’s desperately backtracking, but to no avail. He continues to defend scum like Rekers and Ashburn and gets blasted for it in where all the commenters but one tell him to stfu.
We all wish he would take that advice.
In No. 24 · Bill Perdue again lies through his teeth. First he claims that I was “up late tonite telling lies,” when, aside from Perdue’s lying about my honesty, he showed that he is too stupid to understand time zones (no, the comment he was replying to was not posted at 12:29 AM in my time zone, but several hours earlier).
Then Perdue lies about the data. It can be found at and says just what I claimed. 58 percent of the Black vote was in favor of Prop 8. Blacks make up 7 percent of California’s population. Proposition Eight got 52 percent of the vote. The Black vote was in favor of Prop 8 by an 8 percent margin (the excess over 50 percent). Proposition Eight passed by a 2 percent margin. Since 0.28 = (0.08)(0.08)/(0.02), the Black margin in favor of Proposition Eight is 28% of the margin by which Proposition Eight passed.
Bald-faced liar Perdue then continues to repeat his misquote of the report, which said that one exit poll reporting a 70% Black vote in favor of Proposition Eight was an outlier (it produced a number way too high). It did not claim the 58% number was way too high 58% was the report’s own number. Only a pathological liar like Perdue would lie about numbers that anyone can check by clicking on a link.
Perdue’s claims about “backtracking” are a lie. So are his claims about what I said about Ashburn and Rekers (I called Ashburn ineffective and said next to nothing about Rekers, commenting only on invalid assumptions others were making regarding the web, email, and what you can infer from what is known about the incident). I also mentioned some of the legal risks in rummaging through someone’s email. You may think Rekers deserved it, but Sarah Palin deserved it as much and the guy who went though her email is now looking at some time in prison.
Then he goes on about some SFTU comment, but as of 11:45 PDT the link he gives is going to an article entitled, “O Gay Brother, Where Art Thou?”, whether due to a transient glitch on QUEERTY’s servers or Bill Perdue’s incompetence.
Bill Perdue
Now we know what ‘B’ stands for. ‘B’uffoon. The fact that ‘B’ is a racist and a defender of rightwing scum is incontrovertible, it’s been proven over and over.
Here’s ‘B’uffoons racist view: “Proposition Eight passed by 52% of the vote, and Blacks accounted for nearly 30% of that 2% margin in favor of Proposition Eight. That isn’t enough to “tip the scale”, but it is a pretty significant chunk of it.” He likes to quote an NLGTF report on this question but that report says “According to this survey, blacks’ support for the ballot measure was much lower than reported by Election Day exit polls” the exact opposite of ‘B’s rancid racist claim that the Black vote was a “pretty significant chunk of it.” His lies first appeared in comment No 18 in
He continues to desperately backtrack, but it only makes him all the more a rediculous buffoon . He continues to defend scum like Rekers and Ashburn and gets blasted for it in where all the commenter’s but one tell him in essence to stfu.
Some samples (not including repetitions of ‘B’uffoons lies and deleting for the sake of brevity some of the comments):
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum.
Naturally, ‘B’uffoon stopped commenting and ran away, tail between his legs, like all cowardly racists. Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon.
Maybe B & BP could just trade email addresses and converse that way?
In No. 26 · Bill Perdue continues to make a fool of himself, this time completely losing it in addition to repeat his lies and using the sort of childish name calling that just got a certain general fired.
Fact 1: It is not “racism” to quote a high-quality study of the Proposition Eight vote ( ). I quoted it accurate; Perdue did not and in fact lied about what is in it (the report showed that an exit poll claiming a 70% Black vote in favor of Proposition Eight overestimated the vote by a significant factor, whereas the 58% vote was in the report and is the one I used). His claims about “backtracking are also a lie – I’ve been saying the same thing consistently: the 8 percent margin for the Black vote, scaled by California’s 7 percent Black population, is 28% of the 2% margin by which Proposition Eight won, which is in fact a significant chunk of that 2%. You care about the margins because, under the (non-racist) assumption that all ethnic groups behave similarly, an optimal campaign against Prop 8 (optimal in terms of cost effectiveness) would result in all ethnic groups voting 50% (or lower). The amount over 50% for each group, and for the electorate as a whole, are the interesting numbers because that tells you where the campaign screwed up. If you ignore that – don’t learn from it – we’ll lose next time too.
Fact 2: Quoting some other idiot who thinks I was “defending Rekers” when I was merely pointing out reasoning flaws is not a valid argument. What was going on in Rekers case is that the rentboy said he only advertised on and everyone (probably including him) figured Rekers must have found his page by typing in and looking from there. In fact, other pages can link to contact pages on, google searches can find contact pages on, and if you click on those links, you don’t get directed first to’s home page where you are asked some agree/disagree question. So you can’t claim with any certainty that Rekers went to to search for his companion. He could have searched somewhere else.
Fact 3: QUEERTY gets a lot of things wrong. Why does that surprise anyone? It’s not even the New York Times, which gets things wrong too. One of the classic examples of a New York Times screwup was its trashing of Robert H. Goddard in 1920, followed by a quasi-apology in 1969, all described in .
Fact 4: Regarding Rekers, the two reporters in question were very quiet about how they got their information about him. I pointed out some things that were missing. Later, as new reports came in, some of those details were added. We probably would not have gotten those details if people didn’t ask what was going on.
Fact 5: Just because a few other people are as confused as Perdue is or can’t understand that accuracy is more important than trashing some random person isn’t proof of anything. The idiot who ranted about “inventing scenarios” simply didn’t understand that the way you test a hypothesis is to look for things that can disprove it. If you don’t do that, you end up fooling yourself.
Fact 6: Perdue’s “Freedom of speech” claim is one of the silliest things he’s said yet. It’s not like I’ve been trying to prevent anyone from posting comments. But that doesn’t mean I won’t tell some moron off for posting lie after lie after lie, which is what Perdue does.
Fact 7: The “you didn’t deny it” claim is definitely bogus – nobody goes around denying things they never heard of. Perdue is saying that “OneEquality1 and [Perdue’s] comments [are] moderated on this forum.” Given what sort of stuff written by Perdue gets through on this forum, I can only guess what gets “moderated”, but regardless this is the first time I’ve even heard of it. Perdue, being fundamentally dishonest, is now trying to give the impression that I had something to do with whatever issue he has with QUEERTY. Guys, Bill Perdue just provided us with the reason for his behavior. He needs someone to blame and decided to randomly pick me. He’s running a vendetta and is too stupid to realize that he picked the wrong target. Whoever complained about him is probably rolling on the floor laughing about it given Perdue’s reaction.
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffoon comes back lying. And paranoid as ever.
It is racism to twist stats and claim “Proposition Eight passed by 52% of the vote, and Blacks accounted for nearly 30% of that 2% margin in favor of Proposition Eight. That isn’t enough to “tip the scale”, but it is a pretty significant chunk of it.” He likes to quote an NLGTF report on this question but that report says “According to this survey, blacks’ support for the ballot measure was much lower than reported by Election Day exit polls” the exact opposite of ‘B’s rancid racist claim that the Black vote was a “pretty significant chunk of it.” His lies first appeared in comment No 18 in
Nobody says the study is racist. We say you’re a racist.
Too bad you think your many critics are idiots. That arrogance is why you never learn.
And why people, in thread after thread keep saying things like:
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.
Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon. His mind is gone.
No. 29 · Bill Perdue continues to repeat his baseless lies, showing himself to be as dishonest as Goebbels. In a classic case of projection, he goes on to add a rant “And paranoid as ever” when he is the guy who thinks I somehow got him “moderated” (obviously not true give that Perdue’s statements seem to consist of nothing but trash talk, with infantile name calling typical of a 10 year old).
He rants about “racism”, using the royal “we” (in reality it is just him), for pointing out that 0.28 = (0.08)(0.07)/0.02, putting him in this respect in the same class as the Nazis: the Nazis had something against “Jewish science” so those working on their atomic-bomb project had to be careful to just use equations such as E = mc^2 but never let a political type know what they were doing. Perdue holds a similar theory, evidently believing (or pretending to believe) that there is “racist mathematics” consisting of simple arithmetic.
He tries the usual trick of cherry picking opinions of a handful of people who also don’t like hearing and adult perspective (just because you don’t like a guy like Rekers doesn’t mean you have to accept unsubstantiated claims about him as the truth without first asking that the claims be properly vetted.)
Perdue’s behavior is that of a sick cyberstalker – a pathetic excuse for a human being. He needs help. The sooner he gets it, the better.
Bill Perdue
Really ‘B’uffoon, you’ve been off you meds for far too long.
In No. 31 · Bill Perdue is reduced to the sort of trash talk that most people outgrew by the time they left high school. If he had an ounce of self respect, he would be embarrassed by his own behavior.
@Bill Perdue: You two need to get a room.
Bill Perdue
Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon. Caught being rightwing in public, defending Rekers, Ashburn, McCain and racism. Caught lying and dissembling and most humiliating of all, caught whining about it.
Bill Perdue
@fredo777: Eeeeewwwwweeeee! With Roy Cohn. Please.
I think a boxing ring would be more appropriate. My first bbf was a boxer on our high school team and I learned a lot of moves from him. I even learned how to box.
No. 34 · Bill Perdue – that cyberstalking liar Bill Perdue put exactly the same comment on another article too ( ).
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffoon defends fellow rightwinger McCain as well as other slimebag rightwingers and the racist view that African Americans defeated ssm in California.
Caught being rightwing in public, defending Rekers, Ashburn, McCain and racism. Caught lying and dissembling and most humiliating of all, caught whining about it.
In No 37, cyberstalker Bill Perdue is duplicating the lies and childish insults he posted on another thread word for word ( ).
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffoon, resident talking head for everything rigthtwing continues to defend religious ignorance and superstition, racism in the LGBT community and scum like McCain, Rekers and Ashburn. He defends them because he’s more like them than us.
He lies and dissembles and when we call him on it, dozens of people in thread after thread, he whines incessantly. How humiliating for him. And how disgusting for the rest of us.
@Bill Perdue: “My first bbf was a boxer on our high school team and I learned a lot of moves from him. I even learned how to box.”
tsk tsk
No. 39 · Bill Perdue is continuing to lie a la Goebbels, hoping that people will be stupid enough to believe his garbage. This cyberstalker is truly sick.
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffoon is up late again. Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon. We wish he’d stop his endless whining. He can’t sleep because he knows he’s been nailed as a defender of rightwingers, religion and racism by a bakers dozen of commenter’s on lots of threads.
For example…
Brazil Archbishop Is Losing Sleep Over Children ‘Spontaneously’ Turning Homosexual where the ‘B’uffoon defends the vatican, home of child rapists
Can GetEQUAL NOW Make the LGBT Rights Movement Less Racist, Transphobic, and Ageist? where the ‘B’uffoon is scared to repeat his racist remarks
CA Sen. Roy Ashburn Votes to Recognize the Pride of His People where the ‘B’uffoon defends Ashburn
Did Olson + Boies Just Secure the Death of Prop 8? See comment 12 where the ‘B’uffoon defends attacks on same sex marriage
George Alan Rekers Was Ready to Give Jo-Vanni Roman 5 Stars on Yelp where the ‘B’uffoon defends Rekers, gets jumped by six out of seven commenter’s, whines about it, call them idiots and then runs away, tail between his legs. Again.
John McCain Again Turns to Homosexual Mark Buse to Lead Re-Election Campaign where the ‘B’uffoon defends McCain and Buse – see comment 3
Just-A-Joe: The DADT War Isn’t Over where the ‘B’uffoon defends Obama and Congresses fake repeal of DADT
Let John McCain Have His Open DADT Session. So He Can Further Embarrass Himself where the ‘B’uffoon says McCain is not homophobic and when he’s challenged runs away. At least he know what the phrase ‘the better part of valor means’.
LIVE: McCain to Gates: You’re ‘Biased’ About Wanting to Change DADT where the ‘B’uffoon defends delays in repealing DADT
Obama Will Let (Some) Gay Federal Workers Share Gym Memberships – see comment 18 where the ‘B’uffoon defends racism
SHOCK: Defense Sec. Gates to Congress: Do Not, Under Any Circumstances, Repeal DADT where the ‘B’uffoon defends delays in repealing DADT, gets ganged up on by many other commenter’s and then whines about it.
The 7 Worst Things About Sen. Roy Ashburn’s DUI Arrest where the ‘B’uffoon defends Ashburn
In No. 42, Bill Perdue, our Goebbels wannabe, is putting out more of his infantile, baseless lies, so many that one can only conclude that he is a pathological liar with a grudge – enough of a grudge to maintain his personal list of topics that I commented on, providing pretty good evidence that this liar is engaged in a personal vendetta.
To take Perdue seriously, you would have to believe that simple arithmetic is “racist”, that we should ignore statistical data that provides cogent insights in how we could have run a better campaign to defeat Proposition Eight, that people like Roy Ashburn are “public enemy number one” rather than ineffectual minor nuisances like “Louis the Lug”, that comments about how the web works (based on understanding the technology) somehow “defends” Rekers, and a host of other idiotic lies.
Regarding McCain’s recent primary election, we had an obviously gay guy advising McCain (which at least indicates that McCain is not homophobic enough to fire the guy for being gay) and an opponent who compared same-sex marriage to marrying a horse. Which of the two do you think is going to be the bigger threat to gay rights? Given what Bill Perdue just posted, he presumably prefers the guy who compared same-sex marriage to marrying a horse.
With “friends” like Bill Perdue, you don’t need enemies – they are completely superfluous.
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffons paranoid whining is relentless, even more so when we indict him with his own words defending of religion, other rightwingers and racism.
“Hoist with his own petard; and ‘t shall go hard …
O,’tis most sweet …”
In No. 44 · Bill Perdue is still resorting to his infantile name calling and bald-faced lies, showing his true emotional age – about 10. His “own words” statement is another of his lies – just look at No 42 or No 29 where there was not a single direct quote, only willful mischaracterizations. In fact, the only thing he sort of quoted was the numbers I posted giving an accurate assessment of the Black vote on Proposition Eight, but even there Perdue’s quote was dishonest – he cut out the part where I mentioned that the study in attributed the excess Black vote in favor of Proposition Eight to a larger fraction of people with religious affiliations in that group than for the population as a whole.
His next lie (see his use of the word “paranoid” in No 44) is a clear case of projection – Perdue, after all, is the one who thought people were trying to censor him, attempting to blame me for it (See No 26, where this liar accused me of trying to get him banned from QUEERTY, something that is purely a figure of Bill Perdue’s imagination).
Bill Perdue needs professional assistance for his emotional problems. It should be obvious to everyone.
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffons’ usual. Lies about his racism, his defense of religion, McCain, Rekers and Ashburn and denials of his earlier lies. Lying is his only consistent activity.
And then there are his unending refrains of It’s my party and I can whine if I want to. As the English say, vomit making.
In No. 46, Bill Perdue repeats his unending lies and 7th grade insults, thus providing yet more proof that he is a pathological liar with the emotional maturity of a little boy. This guy needs professional help and the sooner he gets it, the better.
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffoon, all around rightist, racist and religionist is a non-stop liar who whines and whines. It’s beyond ugly.
In No. 48 · Bill Perdue lied some more, getting multiple lies into a single sentence, thus proving that he is a pathological liar, not to mention exhibiting a classic case of projection.
Perdue is really the “racist” and “religionist”, and possibly a “rightest” as well, although he may have created an additional dimension (in his case going “down” rather than “left” or “right”.
He claims it is racist to assume that Blacks are the same as everyone else (which is the assumption that makes the excess vote in favor of Prop 8 beyond 50% for each racial group the interesting number, and that tells you where a repeal campaign has to concentrate due to doing a poor job last time). He has a lot in common with what he calls “religionists” – basing his opinions on dogma rather than reality. It is truly pathetic – to satisfy this silly dogmatic view of the world, he wants the rest of us to join his circular firing squad and ignore data that will be critical to use if we are going to win on a repeal effort.
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffoon will continue lying relentlessly because if he stops the reality of his rightwing, cultist racist views and his paranoia will be even more exposed. He lies about his racism, his defense of superstitious religion and his support for scum like McCain, Rekers and Ashburn.
Lying is a requirement for all corporate lawyers, their ambulance chaisng inferiors and for the lowliest of tht class, members of Congress. Lying is what ‘B’uffoon does best and most consistently.
What a wretched life he leads.
In No. 50 · Bill Perdue, Goebbels wannabe / pathological liar, continues his baseless lies and shows classic signs of projection.
Take for instance, his thing about “paranoia” when in fact Perdue has accused others of conspiring against him to get him moderated in some way ( near the end of his idiotic comment) and as “proof” claims I never denied something I had not heard of before.
Fact – it is not “racism” to quote bona fide statistical studies, nor to accurately point out what they indicate. Perdue’s “defense of superstitious religion” is another lie (he simply didn’t like to hear that the term “religion” is not a synonym for fundamentalist Christians, but also includes Buddhists, Taoists, and Wiccans, and none of these three go around running anti-gay campaigns.) His “support” thing is yet another lie (calling Ashburn “ineffective” for example is hardly “defending” him).
Perdue posts nothing but one lie after another, and his agenda is really an anti-gay one – he wants gays to make needless enemies by pissing off people who would otherwise be either supportive or neutral.
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffoon can’t stop his miserable lying.
It’s a joy and a great compliment to piss off lying scum like corporate lawyers, their ambulance chasing inferiors and the worst of that class of buffoons, those who defend racism, superstitious religion and anti-LGBT vermin like McCain, Rekers and Ashburn.
What a dismal, although no doubt well compensated life poor, poor ‘B’uffoon leads.
No. 52 · Bill Perdue, in a classic case of projection, is accusing others of lying to compensate for his own faults.
As I said, statistical data are not “racist” and distinguishing homophobic religious sects (e.g., various fundamentalist Christian sects) from non-homophobic religious sects (e.g, Wiccans) is not defending “superstitious religion”. Suggesting that McCain is pandering, pointing out unsubstantiated assumptions about precisely how Rekers contacted his rentboy/”traveling companion”, and calling Ashburn “ineffective” are not instances of defending any of them.
Does Perdue actually prefer that McCain would have lost to McCain’s opponent in the primary – the guy who compared same-sex marriage to marriages between a man and a horse?
Bill Perdue
Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon. He lies and lies and lies and can’t seem to stop. Or, more likely he’s just practicing. Lying is a requirement for corporate lawyers, their ambulance chaisng inferiors and like minded riff raff.
He lies about his racism, his defense of superstitious religion and his backhanded political support for scum like McCain, Rekers and Ashburn.
In No. 54 · Bill Perdue is continuing his lies and infantile name calling. He must truly be suffering from low self esteem.
As I said, statistical data are not “racist” and distinguishing homophobic religious sects (e.g., various fundamentalist Christian sects) from non-homophobic religious sects (e.g, Wiccans) is not defending “superstitious religion”. Suggesting that McCain is pandering, pointing out unsubstantiated assumptions about precisely how Rekers contacted his rentboy/”traveling companion”, and calling Ashburn “ineffective” are not instances of defending any of them.
Bill Perdue
Petulantly, ‘B’uffoon continues to lie, He just can’t seem to stop. He’s just practicing for his next session in divorce court. Lying is a requirement for filthy corporate lawyers, their ambulance chasing inferiors and like minded riff raff.
He lies about his racism, his defense of superstitious religion and his backhanded political support for scum like McCain, Rekers and Ashburn.
Creatures like ‘B’uffoon lead a wretched, although no doubt well compensated life, if they can screw enough clients, No one has any doubts, after reading his lies here, that ‘B’uffoon does that as often as he lies. He’s probably rich.
In No. 56 · Bill Perdue, Goebbels wannabe with the emotional age of a 10 year old child, continues trying to use the big lie technique, rather clumsily – all he can manage is to repeat his lies even though they were completely discredited.
He really knows how to make a fool of himself.
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffoon is a racist. When I said that No. 17 • Bill Perdue misstated the facts again by saying, “Blacks are far too small a vote in California to have tipped the scales, That was Obama and his religious suporters.” ‘B’uffoon cooked that stats to make it appear that Blacks,l as opposed to EuroAmerican cult followers, like Rekers and Ashburn, who he defends, played a significant role in defeating SSM in California.
Instead of looking at the insignificant African-American vote as part of the 52% of the vote he decides to make it lkook much, much larger by comparing it to 2% of the vote. ” Proposition Eight passed by 52% of the vote, and Blacks accounted for nearly 30% of that 2% margin in favor of Proposition Eight. That isn’t enough to “tip the scale”, but it is a pretty significant chunk of it.”
Racists like ‘B’uffoon are disgusting.
No. 58 · Bill Perdue lied again, and then goes on to show his ignorance of statistics, not to mention simple arithmetic. He specifically is lying about “cooking” statistics – all the numbers I used were taken from and not “cooked” in any way. Perdue is also refusing to properly cite anything he accuses me of saying (no surprise – liars usually do that). I merely pointed out what the Black vote was numerically and noted that a multivariate analysis showed that the excess vote was due to “religiosity” rather than “race/ethnicity” (a relatively high number of Blacks go to church regularly).
As was explained to this moron, if you assume all racial/ethnic groups behave identically (certainly a non-racist assumption) and that the cost function for getting votes in your favor is convex for each group (and identical on a percentage basis for each group), then you minimize the cost of winning (in this case, defeating Prop 8) if all groups vote the same on a percentage basis. We needed 50% to win (to defeat Prop 8). It is the extent over 50% that you care about, both for the total and for each ethnic group. The excess Black vote under those assumptions is an indication that the campaign against Proposition Eight was not optimal. And Bill Perdue wants to hide that fact. I wonder why? Does he want us to lose next time so he’ll have something to complain about?
Bill Perdue
More racist trash from teh ‘B’uffoon. ‘B’uffonslies about his racism, his defense of religion, McCain, Rekers and Ashburn.
Lying is his only consistent activity as shown by his lies in these threads:
Brazil Archbishop Is Losing Sleep Over Children ‘Spontaneously’ Turning Homosexual where the ‘B’uffoon defends the vatican, home of child rapists
Can GetEQUAL NOW Make the LGBT Rights Movement Less Racist, Transphobic, and Ageist? where the ‘B’uffoon is scared to repeat his racist remarks
CA Sen. Roy Ashburn Votes to Recognize the Pride of His People where the ‘B’uffoon defends Ashburn
Did Olson + Boies Just Secure the Death of Prop 8? See comment 12 where the ‘B’uffoon defends attacks on same sex marriage
George Alan Rekers Was Ready to Give Jo-Vanni Roman 5 Stars on Yelp where the ‘B’uffoon defends Rekers, gets jumped by six out of seven commenter’s, whines about it, call them idiots and then runs away, tail between his legs. Again.
John McCain Again Turns to Homosexual Mark Buse to Lead Re-Election Campaign where the ‘B’uffoon defends McCain and Buse – see comment 3
Just-A-Joe: The DADT War Isn’t Over where the ‘B’uffoon defends Obama and Congresses fake repeal of DADT
Let John McCain Have His Open DADT Session. So He Can Further Embarrass Himself where the ‘B’uffoon says McCain is not homophobic and when he’s challenged runs away. At least he know what the phrase ‘the better part of valor means’.
LIVE: McCain to Gates: You’re ‘Biased’ About Wanting to Change DADT where the ‘B’uffoon defends delays in repealing DADT
Obama Will Let (Some) Gay Federal Workers Share Gym Memberships – see comment 18 where the ‘B’uffoon defends racism
SHOCK: Defense Sec. Gates to Congress: Do Not, Under Any Circumstances, Repeal DADT where the ‘B’uffoon defends delays in repealing DADT, gets ganged up on by many other commenter’s and then whines about it.
The 7 Worst Things About Sen. Roy Ashburn’s DUI Arrest where the ‘B’uffoon defends Ashburn
In No 60, bald-faced liar Bill Perdue again put out one lie after another. I’ll give just one example. Perdue claimed, “See comment 12 where the ‘B’uffoon defends attacks on same sex marriage” This is a bald-faced lie on Bill Perdue’s part – what I said is that you can’t introduce a new motion in closing arguments (the judge has to ignore it as the other side would have to get a chance to offer counter arguments, so the new motion would have to be in a separate trial to prevent the current trial from continuing indefinitely). Since the lawyer did manage to pass the bar exam, he surely knows that, so he must have been making the argument not for the judge, but to impress his would-be constituents (surprise – the lawyer is also running for the state assembly).
Bill Perdue is simply a pathological liar – he’s spewing one lie after another. I’m not going to bother wasting my time explaining the flaws in each and every one of his lies because it would take far more time to do that than it is worth – enough to cause carpal tunnel syndrome (which I presume is Bill Perdue’s goal). Let’s just say that Perdue has been totally discredited. He’s as bad as Rekers, Haggard, and the rest all put together.
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffoon lies some more. He can’t help it – he’s been trained to do it.
His problem is that we’re on to him. Here are the comments in just one thread attacking his rightwing lies in defense of homohating rightists, racists, and superstitionis cultists. He calls this myriad critics ‘idiots’ for repeatedly, in discussion after discussioon saying things like:
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.
Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon. To be shut away in his log cabin with nhoting to do but lie.
In No. 62 · Bill Perdue, a pathological liar as dishonest as Goebbels with the emotional maturity of a 10 year old boy, is up to his old tricks. Now he’s reduced to spending a huge amount of time finding/generating a set of alleged quotes, either from others or ones he fabricated (there is no way of easily telling when he provides no valid citations to the various threads where he claims to have found various statements that at best were taken out of context). He thinks quoting himself (with no links to the original articles) is somehow valid when he is in fact a documented liar.
This guy Perdue is sicker than Rekers and the others all put together. He’s attempting a cheap propaganda trick (quote a few idiots or people who merely misunderstood a comment to hide the fact that he is mostly quoting his own lies or making things up).
What a moron Bill Perdue is – he must think the typical QUEERTY reader is as stupid as he is. He doesn’t know that his ploy is so obvious – say something but provide not a single link or citation that anyone can use to cross check. Why? Because this baldfaced pathological liar has something to hide and is an dishonest as they come.
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffoon really hates it when he’s proven to be not just a rightwing bigot enabler, but an unpopular adn widely detested rightwing bigot enabler.
Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon. Lonely and languishing in his log cabin with not a friend in the world.
In No. 64 · Bill Perdue is showing he also suffers from delusions of grandeur. Let’s see – he quotes a few people, sometimes out of context, mostly quoting himself as if that is evidence of anything.
Naturally, he does not provide a URL to the articles in question and avoids quoting what I actually said – he knows that it would make him look ridiculous.
Perdue’s posts, however, show that he is completely obsessed with me to the point of his obsession being pathological. He needs professional help and the sooner he gets it the better.
Bill Perdue
Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon, imagining that his critics are idiots and obsessed with him, when in fact we just detest him, and for all the correct reasons.
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.
Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon. Lonely and languishing in his log cabin with not a friend in the world except for McCain, the pope, his fellow racists, Rekers and Ashburn.
No. 66 · Bill Perdue, emotional infant (just look at his infantile insults) and baldfaced liar, is up to his old tricks, He’s even reduced to claiming it was “noteworthy” that I never denied something I had not heard of and is blaming me for pissing off someone enough to allegedly complain somewhere about his obnoxious behavior.
Meanwhile, as is usual, he is too scared to quote what I actually wrote or to provide a link to the original thread(s). Instead he “quotes” snippets of misconceptions (a lot of quotes to what he himself wrote) and thinks he is “proving” something by using the “swamp them with bullshit” ploy.
What a moron Bill Perdue is – he’s obviously obsessed and must think QUEERTY readers are as stupid as he is. This guy Bill Perdue has serious emotional problems as his obsession clearly shows. He’s sick. He needs professional help.
Bill Perdue
Poor, needy ‘B’uffoon imagines that people care enough about him to constpire agaainst him. There’s no conspiracy. But a lot of people detest his defense of racism, religion and right wing scum like McCain, Rekers and Ashburn.
Here are some examples of how much people detest this vile ambulance chasing rightwinger”
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.
In No. 68, cyberstalker and emotional infant Bill Perdue is continuing to show his obession with me, thinking he can get away with the “dazzle them with BS” ploy as he cuts and pastes from his list of carefully selected “quotes” from himself and a handful of others, usually from people who overreact when they hear anything they don’t like.
Meanwhile, he is showing that he is one truly sick individual.
Bill Perdue
The ‘B’uffoon, a rightwing pustule, is heartily despised by everyone who reads his reactionary racist garbage. He’s not smart enough to begin telling the truth and jas no grasp on reality except for the money he gets selling out.
Whimpering, he’ll end his days as the only occupant of the last closet in the last log cabin.
Which is a good thing.
In No. 70 · Bill Perdue is continuing to post more of his silly lies and infantile insults. He really needs professional help with his emotional problems.
Bill Perdue
‘B’uffoon, as always, is friendless and isolated. Thats why he continues to lash out his dozens of critics.
Like all rightists and racists what awaits him is whining until teh end as the sole occupant of the last closet in the last log cabin.
Which is fit and proper.
In No. 72 · Bill Perdue again is showing classic symptoms of projection as he tries to pass off his own faults on others. Meanwhile, he continually disgraces himself with lies and childish insults that most outgrew by the time they left middle school.
Bill Perdue
Almost everybody despises the ‘B’uffoon. Here are the comment from a typical thread.
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.
In No. 74 Bill Perdue, ineptly playing the part of a political attack dog, is posting more of his lies/misstatements/etc. He’s trying the Goebbels “dazzle them with bullshit” ploy where you make a number of idiotic charges, quote people who misunderstand or disagree with something, and then are careful to never give a citation to where this alleged material actually resides (knowing that hardly anyone is going to bother to search for it).
Perdue is repeating this garbage over an dover and has never once given a URL to the original thread (of course not – what I actually wrote was sensible so you don’t want people seeing).
What Perdue is really doing is showing that he is obsessed to the point of his obsession needing professional help. He’s making a real fool of himself.
Bill Perdue
Pathetically, ‘B’uffoon is in denial about his well deserved isolation, his inept lying, his grotesque racism and defense of fellow righ wing scum lkie McCainb, Ashburn, Der Papenfueher’s and his clerical rapists, and Rekers.
Here’s an example of why he’s so despised and lonely.
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.
Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon.
Lonely and languishing in his log cabin with not a friend in the world except for McCain, the pope, his fellow racists, Rekers and Ashburn.
Which is as it should be.
No. 76 · Bill Perdue, in a classic case of projection coupled with a Goebbels imitation, posts one lie after another and then even quotes his own posts and pretends they are proof of something.
Meanwhile, dishonest to the core, Perdue “quotes” various people without providing a link to the original material, nor my responses to various comments. I’ll give just one example.
“WalkderDC – The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
Now, what we have in this case is a person who thinks pointing out how the web works is an indication of an “agenda”. In fact, I never “defended” Rekers. What I pointed out, rather, is that Jovanni most likely doesn’t understand how the web works – if he did, he’d have more lucrative ways of making some extra cash rather than working as a “rentboy”. I had shown with a test that Google searches can turn up the contact pages on, so the claim that Jovanni only advertised there is not proof that Rekers visited and then searched that particular site – Rekers could have found the contact page via a link from some other site or via a google search – those other links are set up by third parties, so of course Jovanni might not know about any that exist. It is also not unusual to find a page and then have trouble finding it again if you don’t bookmark the URL. Sometimes you don’t remember the exact search term you used, but for a given search term, Google does not return the same results every time – Google continually updates its database.
None of that shows that Rekers is “innocent” – it just means that the assumption that he went to and then found his “luggage handler” is unsubstantiated – not proven whether it is true or false.
Bill Perdue knows I wrote that – he’s been obviously trying to find threads I commented on – but is too dishonest to state what I actually said. And that shows just what Bill Perdue is – a liar.
Bill Perdue
‘B’, is our resident rightwing apologist for racism, religiosity and the politics of bigots. He can’t stop defending fellow rightists like McCain, Rekers and Ashburn.
That’s in spite of the fact that dozens have called him on his despicable rightwing politics. Here’s a typical example.
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.
Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon.
Lonely and languishing in his log cabin with not a friend in the world except for McCain, the pope, his fellow racists, Rekers and Ashburn.
Which is as it should be.
In No. 78 · Bill Perdue our cyberstalking Goebbels wannabe is continuing is lies and obsessive-compulsive behavior as he repeats his silly garbage ad infinitum, cutting and pasting the same garbage over and over.
Finally, after much prodding, he finally produced a URL. Just look at it ( )! In comment No 1, I showed in detail how Rekers could have found his “travel companion” without explicitly using, but I also stated, “So, Rekers claim about google is plausible, but not terribly believable as it would require a coincidence.” Perdue pretends that calling Rekers’ claim “not terribly believable” is somehow defending Rekers. Why? Because Bill Perdue is a pathological liar.
Everything else Perdue says is equally distorted.
Bill Perdue
‘B’, buffoon and liar continues to deny that he defends fellow right wing scum, but we know his game.
Lie,l lie and lie some more and see if it’ll stick. It doesn’t. see for yourself:
Here’s a typical example.
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.
Poor, poor ‘B’uffoon.
Lonely and languishing in his log cabin with not a friend in the world except for McCain, the pope, his fellow racists, Rekers and Ashburn.
Which is as it should be.
In No. 80, pathological liar and cyberstalker Bill Perdue continues his infantile vendetta, repeating his lies and repeating the sort of childish name calling that most people outgrew by the time they left grade school.
Meanwhile, he’s simply cutting and pasting the same old distorted garbage and has no answer for the facts (as outlined in a number of comments including No. 79 above.
Perdue must think he can dazzle them with BS, which he puts out in copious quantities – its all he can do since he knows he’d look like a fool if he quoted what I actually wrote.
What’s really funny is that Perdue is blaming me for his alleged personal decision “not to post” very much on QUEERTY anymore. Aside from him posting his silly vendetta left and right, maybe the reason is that Perdue’s churlish behavior is pissing everyone off (in addition to Perdue really having nothing meaningful to say).
Bill Perdue
‘B’ resident rightwing windbag, liar, racist, defender of the faith and of like minded rightwing vermin like Rekers, Ashburn and McCain can’t stop digging himself in deeper.
He’s demonstrating his ineptness or just lying some more by confusing me with schulkitz.
In most thread where he comments he attacked for the same reasons. Here’s an example:
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.
Bill Perdue
@Bill Perdue: ‘B’, our resident rightwing windbag, liar, racist, defender of the faith and of like minded rightwing vermin like Rekers, Ashburn and McCain can’t stop digging himself in deeper.
He’s demonstrating his ineptness or just lying some more by confusing me with schulkitz.
In most thread where he comments he attacked for the same reasons. Here’s an example:
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.…..-20100514/
No. 82 and No 83 cyberstalker Bill Perdue is repeating his childish name calling, bald-faced lies, and distorted representations of what I posted, and he is still too scared to quote what I actually said – it would simply make him look like more of a fool.
Both 82 and 83 seem to be identical except for the use of a bold-faced font. He’s now trying to cover up the fact that he is quoting his own posts by pretending that because some of the things he claims to have quoted were written by others, I shouldn’t mention that some are written by him.
See the other posts of mine above for an analyis of Perdue’s lies, and look at the original material – there is no point in wasting my time replying in detail to a cut-and-paste job.
Bill Perdue
@jasonesque: ‘B’, a lying rightwing windbag, continues to deny that he an apoligist for homohaters and racism.
The rest of know so his lies are for naught.
In most thread where he comments he’s attacked over and over by dozens of different people for the same reasons.
Here’s an example from one of many where everyone turns on him as a Reker-lover.
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.
‘B’, our resident rightwing windbag, liar, racist, defender of the faith and of like minded rightwing vermin like Rekers, Ashburn and McCain can’t stop digging himself in deeper.
Stupidly, he gives full rein to his lying by pretending that schulkitz and I are the same.
In No 85, cyberstalker and pathological liar Bill Perdue continues his Goebbels imitation, acting like a true Nazi using the “big lie” technique, adding a few additional ones with each post. Of course, now he’s back to his previous trick of not citing the source for his claim, and he will never provide a quote of what I actually said because doing that would make him look like the complete idiot that he is as the discrepancy between his claims and realities become all to easy to see.
His real tragedy, of course, is having to wake up each morning and live with himself.
Bill Perdue
@Lamar: ‘B’, craven defender of homophobes and Der Papenfuehrer is as it again.
Lying. That’s all he does, and he can’t even lie well. He’s getting desperate and whiney and people notice.
For example when he was defending the homohating pig Rekers this is the reaction he got from honest commenters who, like most of us and unlike ‘B’ the pig defender, despise homohaters and their lawyers.
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
B takes all the fun out of it.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:45 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 8 • Bill Perdue
@B: There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 12:52 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 10 • Bill Perdue
@B: It’s simply an accurate description. If you see it as damaging then the solution is to modify your behavior. I suspect you can’t so people will continue to oppose you. Deal with it and stop trying to cut off discussion with lies about our motives.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 1:18 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 12 • Bill Perdue
@B: Oh, now I’ve gone and upset you. Awful me. Get used to it. As ye sow so shall you reap.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDC
No B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!” So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 10:47 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 17 • Bill Perdue
@schlukitz: Glad to see you comment got uncensored. ‘B’, pro bono lawyer for racism and any self loathing scum that comes down the pike must not like you much.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue:
Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.
“B” prefers to call his dozens of detractors ‘idiots’. Maybe if makes him feel better.
In No 87, cyberstalker and Goebbels wannabe Bill Perdue is continuing his disinformation campaign, posting still more of his transparent lies. What a moron! This character has serious emotional problems and needs professional help.
Bill Perdue
@counterpoll: ‘B’, our resident Fox News commentator and alter ego of Bill O’Reilly gets indignant when people call him what he is – liar, rightwing lawyer for homohters and racist.
Too bad.
In No. 89 · cyberstalker Bill Perdue is continuing his lies and disinformation campaign as part of his obsession, this time replying to a comment from counterpoll who (in No 17) responded to one of my comments by writing, “Thanks for explaining Pugno’s request. As a non-attorney, it seemed odd and out of place to me until you clarified it. I appreciate your posts.”
Bill Perdue really knows how to make a fool of himself.
Bill Perdue
@D’oh, The Magnificent: Poor, Poor ‘B’ill O’Reilley. Queerty’s resident talking head for Fox News. He has regular hissy fits, and considering that he’s a rightwing scumbag and a lawyer for rightwing scums his fits are as expected as they are disgusting.
In No. 91 · Bill Perdue is now going around randomly replying to other comments on this thread with statements so out of context that you would think he’s off his meds.
Bill Perdue
@Lamar: Poor, Poor ‘B’ill O’Reilley. Queerty’s resident Fox News talking head for. What a sick little piggy.
No. 93 · Bill Perdue is still into silly name calling, playing games with apostrophes, which just goes to show how childishly obsessed he is.
Bill Perdue
@counterpoll: ‘B’, pompous Bill O’Reilly wannabe is now defending another bigot, Bill Clinton for signing DOMA. He’s a lawyer, there’s nothing too low for him.
In No. 95 · Bill Perdue, besides playing his childish games, Perdue is now trying to inject a discussion on a different thread into this one.
Bill Perdue
@D’oh, The Magnificent: All discussions aboout ‘B’s politics are linked by his racism and the fact that he pimps for everything and everybody who’s anti-GLBT. Clinton, Rekers, Der Papenfuehrer and his child rapers, Ashburn, the DADT sellout and etc, etc, etc,
That’s why so many, many people call him a liar and question his motives, as happended here in one of the many posts where pimped for Rekers:
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDCNo B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!”b>So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue: Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.”
Citation above. Look for it ‘B’, it’s there.
In No. 97 cyberstalker Bill Perdue dissembles for the nth time, repeating his garbage ad infinitum. Then at the end he lies about citations (i.e., URLs so people can find the original messages).
Contrary to Perdue’s claim, no citations are there e – not in No. 97. He lied again – he lies so much in fact that the only reasonable conclusion is that he is a pathological liar.
Bill Perdue
@counterpoll: All discussions aboout ‘B’s politics are linked by his racism and the fact that he pimps for everything and everybody who’s anti-GLBT. Clinton, Rekers, Der Papenfuehrer and his child rapers, Ashburn, the DADT sellout and etc, etc, etc,
That’s why so many, many people call him a liar and question his motives, as happended here in one of the many posts where pimped for Rekers:
Posted: May 14, 2010 at 6:50 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 2 • WalkderDC
The point is, Rekers is claiming Jovani advertised as a travel companion. Yet not only has he not produced any other ad, nor the website where he found him. But Jovanni has said that he only advertised on Rentboy. B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 10:03 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 3 • romeo
Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu. Rekers is indefensible.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:44 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 4 • schlukitz
@WalkderDC: “B you have now been on 4 threads defending Rekers. What is your agenda?”
@romeo: Yeah, B, I’m for freedom of speech and all, but you really need to stfu.
Gentlemen, B sees himself as a self-appointed moderator whose agenda is to make everyone who posts on these threads, including look dumb, while attempting but failing to make himself look smart, flag posters he disagrees with and trying to get folks like 1EqualityUSA and myself banned from this site.I have no doubt that B is the person responsible for every post that 1EqualityUSA and I make being moderated for the past several months now.
B apparently believes that he alone is entitled to freedom of speech but that is all other posters on this site that should stfu. For that reason both 1EqualityUSA and I rarely post on Queerty anymore.
Posted: May 15, 2010 at 11:49 pm • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 6 • Bill Perdue
If it’s rightwing, if it defends bigotry and religion, if it denigrates the LGBT communities – then B is for it.
There are dozens of us who say the same thing and we’re pleased not to have your respect. If you liked us it’d be very damaging to our reputations.
Posted: May 16, 2010 at 3:05 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 14 • WalkderDCNo B You aren’t Just trying for accuracy. What you are doing is inventing scenarios to pretend that he isn’t lying. First you attack the reporters for not contacting him, then when it was pointed out to you in another post that he was contacted you immediately scramble and say “But maybe he didn’t understand what they were talking about!”b>So you are desperately trying to find any reason as to why he is somehow the victim here, and I am curious as to why.
Posted: Jun 15, 2010 at 7:00 am • @Reply • [Flag?] No. 19 • schlukitz
@Bill Perdue: Truth be known, I never got the impression that ‘B’had any special love for me (or anyone else on these threads, for that matter), from day one. And that’s what I get for having the unmitigated gall to disagree with “B’. Who do I think I am? ;P What I find particularly noteworthy, Bill, is the fact that ‘B’ has never once denied that he might have had anything to do with getting OneEquality1 and my comments moderated on this forum”.”
Citation above. Look for it ‘B’, it’s there.
In No. 99 cyberstalker Bill Perdue is repeating his lies, including his claim to “citations” that simply do not exist (a screen name is not a citation – it does not give you the location of the original statement).
Bill Perdue
@Lamar: ‘B’s racist attitudes are evident in his attempt to cook statistics to excite racist animosity. Instead of looking at the overall effect of the small African American vote as part of to the total vote for Prop 8, which was 52.1% of the electorate, he wants to judge it as part of 2% of the electorate. wildly overstating its importance to promote his racist agenda.
Why is ‘B’ such an obnoxious pimp for racists. religionists and rightwingers.
Vendetta in 5, 4, 3, 2 …
In No 101 cyberstalker Bill Perdue is continuing his lies, this time trying to drag in an unrelated discussion where Perdue once again made a fool of himself. Perdue is simply a bald-faced liar, obviously one with a grudge.
The statistics that I quoted BTW can be found at – this is a competently performed analysis by Patrick J. Egan
(New York University) and Kenneth Sherrill (Hunter College-CUNY), commissioned by the Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund in San Francisco, and released under the auspices of the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute. It is entitled, “California’s Proposition 8: What Happened, and What Does the Future Hold?” Everything I said was accurate: Bill Perdue’s lies won’t change that.
Bill Perdue
@counterpoll: The only question is wWhy is ‘B’ such an obnoxious pimp for racists. religionists and rightwingers.
‘B’s racist attitudes are evident in his attempt to cook statistics to excite racist animosity. Instead of looking at the overall effect of the small African American vote as part of to the total vote for Prop 8, which was 52.1% of the electorate, he wants to judge it as part of 2% of the electorate. wildly overstating its importance to promote his racist agenda.
In No. 103, cyberstalker Bill Perdue’s behavior raises the question of why he is such a pathological liar.
Here’s the reality: according to Blacks (7 percent of the California population) voted for Proposition 8 by 58 percent, with a multivariate analysis showing that the primary cause of the excess Black vote in favor of Proposition Eight (more or less all of it) being due to a higher than average level of attendance at religious services. That excess 8 percent of the Black vote in favor of Proposition Eight accounts for about 28% of the 2% margin in favor of Proposition Eight.
Why is the margin important? Because, according to optimization theory, you get the most bang for the buck when the marginal cost for each additional person voting in your favor is the same for all ethnic/racial groups. If you make the non-racist assumption that (baring data to the contrary) all ethnic groups behave identically, then the excess Black vote indicates that the “No on Eight” campaign dropped the ball. That’s important to know to do better next time, and Bill Perdue is doing his best to try to suppress that information by calling it “racist”. Bill Perdue’s actions are thus geared towards sabotaging any attempt to repeal Proposition Eight, whether he knows it or not.
You’d almost think that Bill Perdue is a Mormon agent, given how he’s working so hard to prevent critical information needed to repeal Proposition Eight from being used. It fits – the “yes no eight” side lied as much as Bill Perdue does.
Bill Perdue
@counterpoll: The only question is why ‘B’ pimps for racism.
‘B’s racist attitudes are evident in his attempt to cook statistics to excite racist animosity. Instead of looking at the overall effect of the small African American vote as part of to the total vote for Prop 8, which was 52.1% of the electorate, he wants to judge it as part of 2% of the electorate. wildly overstating its importance to promote his racist agenda.
In No. 105 cyberstalker Bill Perdue lied some more. I’ll refer him to what I said regarding the African American vote on Proposition Eight:
Here’s the reality: according to Blacks (7 percent of the California population) voted for Proposition 8 by 58 percent, with a multivariate analysis showing that the primary cause of the excess Black vote in favor of Proposition Eight (more or less all of it) being due to a higher than average level of attendance at religious services. That excess 8 percent of the Black vote in favor of Proposition Eight accounts for about 28% of the 2% margin in favor of Proposition Eight.
Why is the margin important? Because, according to optimization theory, you get the most bang for the buck when the marginal cost for each additional person voting in your favor is the same for all ethnic/racial groups. If you make the non-racist assumption that (baring data to the contrary) all ethnic groups behave identically, then the excess Black vote indicates that the “No on Eight” campaign dropped the ball. That’s important to know to do better next time, and Bill Perdue is doing his best to try to suppress that information by calling it “racist”. Bill Perdue’s actions are thus geared towards sabotaging any attempt to repeal Proposition Eight, whether he knows it or not.
Awwww – get a room, you two!
(Possibly without WiFi.)
Bill Perdue
The big question is why ‘B’ encourages racism. The answer is obvious.
‘B’s racist attitudes are evident in his attempt to cook statistics to excite racist animosity. Instead of looking at the overall effect of the small African American vote as part of to the total vote for Prop 8, which was 52.1% of the electorate, he wants to judge it as part of 2% of the electorate, exaggerating by cooking the stats to promote racist divisions in our community and between communities.
That’s as typical as it is putrid.
In No 108, Bill Perdue is repeating his lies, following Goebbels technique. See (No 106 above) for an explanation of why the marginal vote is important.
Perdue’s seen this, so his continual attacks show just one thing – that Bill Perdue is a bald-faced liar.
Bill Perdue
@counterpoll: The real question is why ‘B’ encourages racism. The answer is obvious.
‘B’s racist attitudes are evident in his attempt to cook statistics to excite racist animosity. Instead of looking at the overall effect of the small African American vote as part of to the total vote for Prop 8, which was 52.1% of the electorate, he wants to judge it as part of 2% of the electorate, exaggerating by cooking the stats to promote racist divisions in our community and between communities.
That’s typical of racists like ‘B’.
In No. 110 · Bill Perdue once again proves what a piece of slime he is as he continues his bald-faced lies and innuendo.
Whether Perdue really is that stupid or is just pretending, he’s still ignoring the fact that the margins are important in determining how to optimize the use of financial resources if an initiative to repeal Proposition Eight is eventually on the ballot.
If he knows better, then he’s trying to sabotage any effort to Repeal Proposition Eight.
Bill Perdue
@counterpoll: The important question is why ‘B’ encourages racism. The answer is obvious. He’s a racist.
‘B’s racist attitudes are evident in his attempt to cook statistics to excite racist animosity. Instead of looking at the overall effect of the small African American vote as part of to the total vote for Prop 8, which was 52.1% of the electorate, he wants to judge it as part of 2% of the electorate, exaggerating by cooking the stats to promote racist divisions in our community and between communities.
That’s typical of racists swine like ‘B’.
In No 112 cyberstalker Bill Perdue continues to repeat his lies. Is he trying to justify religious beliefs by acting like the reincarnation of Goebbels?
Bill Perdue
‘B’s racist attitudes are evident in his attempt to cook statistics to excite racist animosity. Instead of looking at the overall effect of the small African American vote as part of to the total vote for Prop 8, which was 52.1% of the electorate, he wants to judge it as part of 2% of the electorate, exaggerating by cooking the stats to promote racist divisions in our community and between communities.
That’s typical of compulsive liars and racist piglets like ‘B’.
In No 114, cyberstalking hypocrite Bill Perdue continues his bald-faced lies in a childish attempt to cover up his own racist attitudes. Bill Perdue has been posting these lies ever since he saw my reply ( ) to his comment in where he blames our first African American president for Proposition Eight’s passage even though President Obama stated his opposition to Proposition Eight during the campaign but otherwise ignored it.
Bill Perdue
@counterpoll: ‘B’ is a racist and a liar. What else is new?
Obama torpedoed same sex marriage with this bigoted comments on MTV and at Rick Warrens bigotfest, saying ‘gawd’s in the mix.” His statements, used by the religious groups ‘B’ so admires, galvanized the bigot vote. That is the central reason for our unexpected and unnecessary loss.
To cover his racism ‘B’ accuses others of his own crimes. He learned that tactic in divorce court. Maybe he thinks all the other groups and people that criticize Obama are racists too. Tell us ‘B’ are the folks at racists? They disapprove of Obama as much as they disapproved of Bush and Clinton.
‘B’, understandably isolated and lonely, still imagines that he’s being stalked. Pathetic. If he stopped making excuses for Clinton, der papenfuehrer, Rekers, Ashburn, MaCain and other rightwing scum like himself we wouldn’t have to waste our time disproving him. But he won’t.
In No 116, in a classic case of projection, cyberstalker Bill Perdue accuses me of “racism” and “lying” to cover up his own racism (see where he blames our first African American president for Proposition Eight), and then continues to try to blame me for his own behavior (plagiarizing my accurate description of his behavior).
He then refers readers to to justify his racist views, but that web page does not criticize Obama for things he had nothing to do with. What does that web page claim? First it has a link to an article entitled, “NAACP Confronts Tea Party, But Will It Challenge Obama?” that includes statements like “White American nationalism celebrates the fruits of genocide, slavery, aggressive war and empire, and is therefore inherently racist. Lots of non-Tea Partyers are also American empire worshippers, including the Black imperial commander-in-chief, himself, Barack Obama.” Second, it has a link to an article entitled “McKinney: Obama ‘Backtracks’ on Israeli Nukes” and quotes a “former Georgia congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate.” Perdue asks if the people at this web site are racists. I’ll let readers judge – I’ll just classify them as idiots. If it is an example of Bill Perdue’s reading material, no wonder he is so screwed up.
Bill Perdue
‘B’ is compounding his lies and his pathetic crybaby whining. What else is new. His myriad critics respond when he lies and the fact that there are so many responses is testimony to amount of lying he does. I can’t think of anyone except Bill O’Reilly or that tub of rancid lard Limbaugh who lies so often about so many things.
His rancid racism is revealed, in all it’s ‘kinder and gentler’ ugliness in ‘B’s racist attitudes are evident in his attempt to cook statistics to excite racist animosity. Instead of looking at the overall effect of the small African American vote as part of to the total vote for Prop 8, which was 52.1% of the electorate, he wants to judge it as part of 2% of the electorate, exaggerating by cooking the stats to promote racist divisions in our community and between communities.
That’s as typical as it is putrid.
In No. 118 · Bill Perdue lied some more, continuing his cyberstalking disinformation campaign.
Bill Perdue has been posting these lies ever since he saw my reply ( ) to his comment in where he blames our first African American president for Proposition Eight’s passage even though President Obama stated his opposition to Proposition Eight during the campaign but otherwise ignored Proposition Eight.
Perdue objects to the use of marginal costs and votes even though he was given a technical explanation (see ). He’s an idiot.
Bill Perdue
‘B’, shameless lickspittle for the right, religion and his own racism prattles on without letup.
He has no sense of shame. He’s an anbulance chaser and paid to be a toady so that’s to be expected.
In No. 120 · Bill Perdue is continuing his cyberstalking, posting one lie after another.
Bill Perdue
B’, shameless lickspittle for the right, religion and his own racism prattles on without letup.
He has no sense of shame. He’s an anbulance chaser and paid to be a toady so that’s to be expected.
His whining and repetitive tiresome playing the victim is pathetic.
In No. 122, cyberstalker Bill Perdue is continuing his bald-faced lies, one after another, as he does his best to imitate Goebbels’ “big lie” technique.
Bill Perdue
‘B’ can’t stop lying. It’s some sort of disease with him. And he has no sense of shame. He’s an anbulance chaser and paid to be a toady so that’s to be expected.
His whining and repetitive tiresome playing the victim is pathetic.
In No. 124 · Bill Perdue lies again, repeating some of the same garbage he posted on another thread. He’s obviously cyberstalking.
Bill Perdue
B’, shameless lickspittle for the right, religion and his own racism babbles on as if someone cared what he has to say. Except for buckets of criticism from dozens of honest activists, no one gives a damn about his pouty pedantry.
His whining and relentless game of playing the victim are… whiney.
In No. 126, cyberstalker Bill Perdue continues to use Goebbels big lie technique as Perdue posts one lie after another, all to further his infantile vendetta.
Bill Perdue
‘B’, anonymous and closeted for all the usual reasons is by now so used to being a lickspittle, a loser and a liar that he can play the victim skillfully.
In No. 128 · Bill Perdue continues his infantile cyberstalking, posting lie upon lie.
Bill Perdue
‘B’ can’t stop lying. It’s part of the same disease process that leads him to be a racist and a relentless defender of rightwigers.
In No. 130, Bill Perdue continues his cyberstalking as he shamelessly posts one lie after another.
Bill Perdue
‘B’ can’t stop lying. It’s part of his job to be a racist and a relentless defender of rightwigers.
Say hello to Leah Daughtry for us.
In No. 132, Bill Perdue continues his cyberstalking, cutting and pasting his lies from another thread ( ) – the cutting and pasting is obvious given his term “rightwigers” [sic].
Hint – if you don’t want make your trolling completely obvious, use a spelling corrector before cutting and pasting.
Bill Perdue
‘B’ can’t stop lying. It’s his job to be a racist and a relentless defender of rightwigers.
Say hello to Leah Daughtry for us.
In No. 134, cyberstalker Bill Perdue cuts and pastes his lies, repeating and v verbatim (he’s posted the exact same thing four times, misspellings included).
Bill Perdue
‘B’ can’t stop lying. It’s his job to be a racist and a relentless defender of rightwigers.
Say hello to Leah Daughtry for us
In No. 136 cyberstalker Bill Perdue repeats his lies, copying and pasting the same garbage, spelling errors included, on multiple threads, (but in this case adding a font change).
Bill Perdue
‘B’ can’t stop lying. It’s his job to be a racist and a relentless defender of rightwigers. Now he wants us to feel sorry for Mehlman, the quisling. That figures.
In No. 138 · Bill Perdue is continuing his cyberstalking, with one lie after another.
Bill Perdue
‘B’, shameless lickspittle for the right, religion and his own racism prattles on without letup.
He has no sense of shame. He’s an anbulance chaser and paid to be a toady so that’s to be expected.
His whining and repetitive tiresome playing the victim are pathetic.
In No 140, cyberstalker Bill Perdue continues his silly lies to the point of absurdity as he has shown himself to be a pathological liar. It’s obvious to everyone but Bill Perdue himself.
Bill Perdue
‘B’ can’t stop lying. It’s his job to be a racist and a relentless defender of rightwigers.
Say hello to Leah Daughtry for us when you pick up your check.
In No. 142, cyberstalker Bill Perdue continues his lies. He repeated the same garbage verbatim on another thread a few hours later ( ).
Bill Perdue
Stick to chasing ambulances ‘B’ and blog where your attempts to portray Obama, Ashburn, Rekers, Clinton, McCain, Mehlman and der papenfuehrer as our friends will be appreciated.
In No. 144, Bill Perdue continues his cyberstalking disinformation campaign, copying his current garbage verbatim from where he posted it one minute earlier.
Bill Perdue
“B” should stick to chasing ambulances and blog where his attempts to portray Obama, Ashburn, Rekers, Clinton, McCain, Mehlman and der papenfuehrer as our friends will be appreciated.
In No. 146 · Bill Perdue is cyberstalking some more, posting the same pack of lies that he posted verbatim on another thread (No 104 on that thread).
Bill Perdue
‘B’ can’t stop lying or defending the rightwingers who oppose us. Say hello to Leah Daughtry for us when you pick up your check.
In No 148 baldfaced liar and cyberstalker Bill Perdue is continuing to post his lies, which he copied from his post on another thread ( @ No. 106).
Bill Perdue
‘B’ can’t stop lying or defending the rightwingers who oppose us. He’s as worthless as he is pathetic.
In No. 150, Bill Perdue is repeating his lies, cutting and pasting to another thread ( @ No 108 ) with a slight modification so he can claim he didn’t do it verbatim.
Bill Perdue
‘B’, who can’t stop lying and can’t stop his cynical defese of his fellow rightwingers is as worthless as he is pathetic.
In No 152 cyberstalker Bill Perdue is continuing his lies as part of his vendetta, copying the same garbage he posted on (No. 110 on that thread) one minute earlier.
Bill Perdue
‘B’ can’t stop lying and can’t stop his cynical defese of his fellow rightwingers. He’s as worthless as he is pathetic.
In No 154, cyberstalking troll Bill Perdue is duplicating the same trash talk on two threads, this one and No 112 on
You can tell he’s cutting and pasting because he’s duplicating his spelling errors.
Bill Perdue
Rightwing troll ‘B’ can’t stop lying and can’t stop his cynical defense of his fellow rightwingers. He’s as worthless as he is pathetic.
In No 156, Bill Perdue continues his cyberstalking, posting the same lies verbatim that he posted a minute earlier at No 114 on
Bill Perdue
‘B’ is a wannabe attorney for the right – he defends, which is the same as supporting, racists, the pope, Obama, Clinton, McCain, Mehlman, the DADT compromise, Ashburn, Rekers among others.
The truth of that is easily established by reading his comments. He’s thoroughly discredited himself and whines when honest commenters – dozens of us – point that out. He should be posting at Gay Republic or Democrats dot com.
Democrats are Republicans in drag.
In No 158, cyberstalker Bill Perdue is putting out more trash talk
duplicating verbatim or nearly verbatim the garbage he posted at No 116 on
and most of what he posted at No 49 on
Bill Perdue
‘B’ is a wannabe attorney for the right. He defends, which is the same as supporting, racists, the pope, Obama, Clinton, McCain, Mehlman, the DADT compromise, Ashburn, Rekers among others.
The truth of that is easily established by reading his comments. He’s thoroughly discredited himself and whines when honest commenters – dozens of us – point that out. He should be posting at Gay Republic or Democrats dot com.
Democrats are Republicans in drag.
Re No 160 –
Regarding Bill Perdue’s last comment, he’s posting the same garbage verbatim on at least three separate threads as part of his cyberstalking, personal vendetta, and thread hijacking:
Bill Perdue
‘B’ is a boring casualty of terminal logorrhea and relentless self appointed attorney for the right – he defends, which is the same thing as supporting – racists, the pope, Obama, Clinton, McCain, Mehlman, the DADT compromise, Ashburn, Rekers among others.
The truth is easily established by reading his comments. He’s thoroughly discredited himself and whines when honest commenter – dozens of us – point that out. He should be posting at Gay Republic or Democrats dot com where somebody might take him seriously. We don’t.
Democrats are Republicans in drag. ‘B’ is the FOF in drag.
Re No 162 –
Cyberstalker Bill Perdue is continuing his infantile personal vendetta by posting the same garbage verbatim on three separate threads, all within a couple of minutes of each other:
Bill Perdue
‘B’ is a boring liar whose terminal logorrhea and relentless defense of racism, the pope, Obama, Clinton, McCain, Mehlman, the DADT compromise, Ashburn, Rekers among others is getting rancid.
The truth is easily established by reading his comments. He’s thoroughly discredited himself and whines when honest commenter’s – dozens of us – point that out. He should be posting at Gay Republic or Democrats dot com where somebody might take him seriously. We don’t.
Democrats are Republicans in drag. ‘B’ is the FOF in drag.
Re No 164: Bill Perdue is posting the same baseless personal attacks verbatim on at least three threads in his attempt to hijack threads for his infantile vendetta:
Bill Perdue
‘B’ is a boring liar whose terminal logorrhea and relentless defense of racism, the pope, Obama, Clinton, McCain, Mehlman, the DADT compromise, Ashburn, Rekers among others is getting rancid.
The truth is easily established by reading his comments. He’s thoroughly discredited himself and whines when honest commenter’s – dozens of us – point that out. He should be posting at Gay Republic or Democrats dot com where somebody might take him seriously. We don’t.
Democrats are Republicans in drag. ‘B’ is Focus on the Family in drag.
Re N. 166: Bill Perdue is posting the same baseless personal attacks verbatim on at least three threads in his attempt to hijack threads for his infantile vendetta. For the latest example, compare
Bill Perdue
‘B’ is boring, a liar whose terminal logorrhea and relentless defense – which is the same thing as supporting – of racists, the pope, Obama, Clinton, McCain, Mehlman, the DADT compromise, Ashburn, Rekers among others is getting rancid .
The truth is easily established by reading his comments. He’s thoroughly discredited himself and whines when honest commenter – dozens of us – point that out. He should be posting at Gay Republic or Democrats dot com where somebody might take him seriously. Nobody here does.
Re 168: Bill Perdue is continuing to post the same baseless personal attacks verbatim on at least three threads in his attempt to hijack threads for his infantile vendetta. For the latest example, compare the following URLs to his posts (No 62, 126, and 168 respectively): (No. 62) (No. 126) (No. 168)
Bill Perdue
Petulant and boring, ‘B’ is a liar whose terminal logorrhea and relentless defense – which is the same thing as supporting – of racists, the pope, Obama, Clinton, McCain, Mehlman, the DADT compromise, Ashburn, Rekers among others is getting rancid .
The truth is easily established by reading his comments. He’s thoroughly discredited himself and whines when honest commenter – dozens of us – point that out. He should be posting at Gay Republic or Democrats dot com where somebody might take him seriously. Nobody here does.
Re No 170: Bill Perdue is continuing to post the same baseless personal attacks verbatim on multiple threads in his attempt to hijack threads for his infantile vendetta. For the latest example, compare the following URLs to his posts (No. 64 and 170