Ex-president Donald Trump opted to skip last night’s GOP presidential primary debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, instead opting to prepare for having his mugshot taken today for a 45-minute sit-down with disgraced ex-Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson.

But he still sent his eldest son, Don Jr., and Junior’s fiancee, Kimberly Guilfoyle, who served as an adviser to Trump’s 2020 campaign, to scope things out, trash the other candidates to reporters, and, oh yeah, promote their crappy shows on Rumble.

“We’re excited to see all of our friends in Milwaukee who want to Make America Great Again!!!” Don Jr. tweeted Xed ahead of the debate.

Unfortunately, when the toxic MAGA couple tried gaining access to the debate spin room, organizers wouldn’t let them inside. Instead, they were met by security, who politely informed them they weren’t welcome.

“Fox News is trying to censor and silence Trump supporters to protect their hand-picked establishment candidates. That’s a big reason why their ratings are dying, while my father’s interview with Tucker Carlson is already at 93 million views!!!” Don Jr. posted on Twitter X afterwards, along with video of himself causing a scene in front of a small group of reporters outside.

Despite Don Jr. acting shocked–shocked!–to be denied backstage entry, he knew well in advance that he wouldn’t be allowed into the spin room. Prior to the event, organizers informed all the campaigns, not just Trump’s, that no campaign surrogates would be granted entry.

But, of course, Don Jr. tried his anyway. And, of course, he tried spinning it into some sort of wild conspiracy theory about Fox News’ efforts to take down Trump.

“I had been told by others that we would be able to go in,” he told reporters, adding, “The candidates they’ve been boosting while simultaneously trying to cut down Trump for the last two years didn’t perform as they had hoped, so they can’t have someone who can maybe be a representative of my father.”

“Just like a few weeks ago,” he continued, “when I was canceled after the first indictment. I was scheduled to go on and about five minutes before I’m on I find out I’m no longer on because apparently I wouldn’t be a great surrogate to talk about my father’s indictment.”

Junior added that his father was “100% right” not to attend the debate, to which Guilfoyle parroted in the background, “Exactly!”

“It’s beneath him,” Don Jr. continued. “And when you know that you’re walking into a setup, because of exactly these kinds of circumstances, you understand exactly what’s going on in mainstream media. Even conservative.”

“It’s very un-American,” Guilfoyle added.

Oh, the irony of two media personalities staging a publicity stunt by complaining to the media about how they’re being silenced by the media.

Last night’s debate featured eight candidates all vying for the Republican nomination for president in 2024: Ex-VP Mike Pence, Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis, Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy (ugh), Popcorn Factory nemesis Nikki Haley, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Chris Christie, and Asa Hutchinson.

Prior to the debate starting, Dark Brandon made a surprise guest appearance in an ad promoting his reelection bid.


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