stacey campfield 2Each week, Queerty picks one blowhard, hypocrite, airhead, sanctimonious prick or other enemy of all that is queer to be the Douche of the Week. 

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Utterly heterosexual state Sen. Stacey Campfield of Tennessee is in the news again: This time for emails in which he told constituents who supported LGBT equality that they need to see a shrink.

Campfield first came under our radar in 2011 when he introduced Senate Bill O234, known officially as the Classroom Protection Act but nicknamed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill: It would bar teachers and administrators from discussing homosexuality to students up to eighth grade. It passed in the state Senate but thankfully died in House.

Alas, Campfield recently resurrected the dormant bill—this time it will essentially require teachers to out students to their parents.

mailAs a result, one constituent, Jacob Wilson, was emboldened to write him:

I am appalled at your thought of SB O234 and how it will protect children. I [used] to be proud to call Tennessee my home but after this I am not so sure. Your mindset is pathetic as well as this bill. I encourage you to change your mind or you will make a bunch of people very upset.

Imagine, if you have kids and one was gay, how this bill would affect them and you.

Campfield dutifully replied:

You seem to have some serious, deep anger issues. Have you ever thought about therapy? I hear they are doing some wonderful things with medications these days.

Yours in service,
Sen. Stacey Campfield

Sent from my iPad

Wow, this guy’s a real Dr. Phil.

As bizarre as Campfield’s reply was, what’s more bizarre is that used the same response to reply to Telisha Arguelles Cobb, who used to live in the area of Knoxville Campfield represents, and allegedly others. According to the Tennessean, Campfield admitted the emails were his, but claims he doesn’t know how many people he responded to, and he refused to explain the identical wording.

He just knows he’s not backing down from the big gay bullies:  “When somebody gets into insulting or cussing or something along those lines, it breaks down communication and is not respectful,” Campfield told TMZ. “I’m not their little piñata—I’m not going to put up with personal attacks.”

All together now: What a douche!


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