There’s a battle brewing in ex-gayville. Alan Chambers, the ex-ex-gay who leads ex-gay Exodus International, recently spoke out against the movement’s controversial “cures”.

Chambers also insisted he’s not sure if he’s ever met an ex-gay and can’t endorse claims that ex-gay movements rid participants of faggotry altogether.

No doubt Chambers’ mutinous comments are making waves in the ex-gay community.

Stephen Bennett, a former faggot who went on to get married, have two children and establish an eponymous ex-gay ministry, spoke out against Chambers’ yesterday, saying:

Frankly, I am shocked that the President of the largest information and referral ministry in the world on homosexual issues, would ever make such irresponsible and false public statements. If Mr. Chambers, a married man and father who once engaged in homosexuality himself, says he’s never met ‘a former ex-gay’ or one who has ‘changed completely’, he’s personally invited to our home in Connecticut to meet one. I’d also be happy to introduce him to numerous other individuals – all former homosexual men and women.

Bennett also claims that he conquered his coke addiction, eating disorder and penchant for penis through the mythical power of Jesus Christ.

Chambers’ recent comments, he says, point to a growing divide in the ex-gay movement:

What we see here is the public divide of the pro-family movement. One camp believes ‘dialoguing’ with homosexual advocates and activists will bring about a happy middle ground and compromise for all. That, I’m afraid, will NEVER happen. You see, ‘compromise’ is not in God’s dictionary — and of course homosexual activists are loathe to compromise on their core beliefs.

Those core beliefs, of course, include the idea that a god made people gay. But, ex-gays are loath to share their god with the gays. It’s Jesus’ way or the high way:

It was Jesus Christ alone who set me free from the sin of homosexuality – not an ex-gay group, not reparative therapy and not any psychologist. I was made whole by the Word of God and the blood of Jesus Christ shed for me on Calvary, and I will proclaim and offer that same hope, freedom, grace, truth and reality to all who seek it until the day that I die.

Gee, Christian fundamentalists sure are generous with their proselytization. Us? We’ll stick with the penis and worry about some mythical hell later on down the road.

It’s good to know, however, that there’s a schism in the ex-gay movement. Let’s thin out their ranks a bit and make them as irrelevant as they are irksome, ill-informed and idiotic.

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