gregory t. angeloEarlier today, we wrote about  about outgoing Log Cabin director R. Clarke Cooper and the fallout from LCR’s New York Times ad attacking Chuck Hagel.

Interim Log Cabin Republican director Gregory T. Angelo (right) responded with the following statement:

“Regarding your speculation that R. Clarke Cooper?s departure had something to do with the New York Times ad, the truth is Clarke gave his notice to the board in October—a fact that has been reported in a number of other media outlets.

Regardless of the outcome of the presidential election, Clarke had always intended to transition out of his role as ED of Log Cabin in the months following the election.

Also, [the Guardian‘s] Glenn Greenwald misrepresented Clarke?s statement about the funding for our advertising campaign. Many of the donors who contributed to the ad have been long-time LCR donors. The statement Clarke made, which Greenwald misquoted for his own conspiratorial purposes, was that the money was not paid out of general operating funds. LCR created the ad and then found people to fund it, most of which were current supporters.”

President Obama has yet to make an official announcement about nominating Hagel for Secretary of Defense, but the former senator’s chances seem to be dwindling, as both conservatives and LGBT advocates come out against the appointment.

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