The superdelegate debate continues to dominate the Democrats’ internal chatter.

And now our old friend David Hardt’s getting in on the fun. The gay leader of the Young Democrats of America appeared on CNN yesterday to discuss whether or not the nominee rests on the superdelegates’ collective shoulders. His answer?

I don’t buy the argument that the will of the people has decided one candidate or another. I think we’re still a very divided party. And part of the process of deciding our nominee is winning superdelegates.

Read the rest of transcript, after the jump…

DAVID HARDT, PRESIDENT YOUNG DEMOCRATS OF AMERICA: …I don’t like the idea that somehow the will of the people has already decided this because we know, going into the convention, that neither candidate will have won enough delegates to be victorious. So I don’t buy the argument that the will of the people has decided one candidate or another. I think we’re still a very divided party. And part of the process of deciding our nominee is winning superdelegates. And those of us who are superdelegates knew this. The campaigns knew this going in from day one. And that’s just part of the process. It’s been that way for decades. And, you know, if people don’t like that part of the process, then we should change it.

But it is what it is and I think we should abide by party rules. And I don’t like the idea that somehow if my state votes for one candidate or another, that I should vote for that candidate based on how my state voted.

CNN’s DON LEMON: Have you declared who you’re going to support as a superdelegate?

HARDT: Not yet. I waiver back and forth every day. You know, one day I might be for Senator Obama and ask me the next day and I might be for Senator Clinton. It’s just a very tough decision.

LEMON: Yes, why is that? Explain that.

We heard John Lewis. He said it really — I mean it tugged at his heartstrings to do it. He’s friends with the Clintons, but he thinks there’s a wave afoot in the country that’s swinging toward Barack Obama and change, as he puts it. And he said this was, you know, harder for him than the choices he made during the civil rights movement.

So why is it so tough for you? Is it a generational thing, do you think?

HARDT: Well, yes. I mean, obviously, my generation is overwhelmingly supporting Senator Obama. However, as a longtime party activist, I really appreciate and honor everything that the Clintons have done for our country. So I’m very torn.

You know, there’s very little in policy between both candidates. But, you know, it’s a very tough decision and I have to weigh a lot of different factors in. And I’m also elected as president of the Young Democrats of America. And I have to look at who’s going to work best with our organization going into November. So that’s of course, an important factor for me, as well.

LEMON: There are people who are saying you know what, if it comes down to the superdelegates, I am going to switch sides. I am going to remove myself from this — and making a number of other accusations that — things that they’re going to do.

What do you make of this? I mean do you think people had this in mind, especially the Hunt Commission, when they came up with this whole thing about the superdelegates back in the ’80s?

HARDT: I’m not sure they had this in mind. But to be honest, you know, it is going to come down to the superdelegates. Neither candidate is going to have enough unpledged delegates to win this.


HARDT: So someone will have to get enough super-delegates or automatic delegates to win this race.

LEMON: Now, I’m listening. Now, here’s what I’m thinking, though. If it’s not the candidate, it seems like if it’s not the candidate that you’re in support of, then people say, you know, they’re going to change parties or vote for the other candidate. So it may just be a matter of that.

HARDT: I really don’t buy that argument. I’ve heard that from a few people. But as soon as you remind them that your choice is either Senator Clinton, Senator Obama or John McCain, the clear choice is to stick with the Democrat.


HARDT: We have two incredible candidates that are well qualified to be president of this country and are, by far, better candidates than John McCain.

LEMON: The president of the Young Democrats of America, David Hardt, and a superdelegate. Thank you very much.

HARDT: Thank you.

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