Republican presidential contenders Sam Brownback and Mike Huckabee pulling out the social conservative stops in their improbable bids for the White House. Both men made appearances this weekend at the Christian-leaning Florida Family Policy Council’s awards dinner in Orlando. And rest assured the boys took some time to resurrect that old political wedge: gay marriage.

Speaking to the enthusiastic crowd, former Arkansas Governor Huckabee highlighted his legislative push to make divorce more difficult, saying:

I realized that the laws in my state were such that it would be easier to get out of a marriage than it was to get out of a contract for having purchased a used car. We realized we need to make some changes.

No doubt the Bible-thumpers love Huckabee’s commitment to marriage, but we wonder what they’ll say to his ambiguous position on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell:

I’m not sure that being homosexual should automatically disqualify a person from the military. If a person can do his or her job, you know that’s not for me the biggest issue.

Hey, it’s better than nothing.

Meanwhile, Brownback – who once challenged Mitt Romney’s conservative credentials and also launched a full-blown and potentially unconstitutional attack at gay-friendly activist judge, Janet Neff – told the Florida crowd that the government must take more decisive action in defending marriage:

You need to redefine the definition of marriage as a union of a man and a woman. It’s critical. We’ve got to be the rebuild the family. I’m going to be the president that’s the family president that helps rebuild this fundamental institution.

The crowd then proceeded to cum all over themselves. Don’t worry, though, they made sure to restrict their bodily fluids to the opposite sex.

Brownback’s no stranger to gay controversy. In addition to the Neff-scandal, the Kansas senator came out to support General Peter Pace’s anti-gay remarks. What a mensch.

Presidential hopefuls Brownback, Huckabee seek social conservatives’ support

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