• Floridian Republican Bob Allen has been found guilty of soliciting a male police officer for sex. May face $500 fine and 60 days in jail. TGIF!

Jossip hit up The Atlantic‘s 150th anniversary bash/voyeuristic adventure. Watch for special appearances from Moby, Andrew Sullivan, Patti Smith and some other familiar faces.

• Who’s your favorite fictional gay?

RIP AIDS activist and Bill Clinton ally Dr. R. Scott Hitt.

A look at gay marketing.

• Philadelphia may not be as brotherly as some would like to believe: neighbors allegedly harassed gay couple for three years. Says one of the gay duo:

They left [a phallic-shaped steel rod] on our doorstep. [It means] we’ll stick it up to you. You better leave or we’re going to stick it to you. They put ‘gay faggot (expletive)’ on the window. I’m embarrassed, I am stressed, depressed and afraid.

Who knew a steel phallus could cause so much psychological damage?

Carol Anne Gotbaum died of “accidental strangulation” while in police custody.

• Clay Cane joins AOL’s super black team, talks about Barack Obama’s anti-gay gospel gaffe.

• Meanwhile: no blacks for Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney’s respective campaign staffs.

Trans Advocate reflects on ENDA.

• Chris Crain on why we should cut Richard Curtis some slack (not slacks).

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