Oh hell to the yes! Harold Ford Jr., who has yet to officially announce that he will challenge Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, is going to hit up the Stonewall Democratic Club a week from today in what’s undoubtedly an effort to, once again, set the record straight on his LGBT rights history. Namely, that there isn’t one. Cue the protesters!

“I don’t think he’s aware of what the gay community is like in New York,” veteran LGBT political operator Marty Algaze tells Elizabeth Benjamin. But Ford is, in fact, an invited guest at Stonewall. After an Albany-bound train ride where he met board member Christopher Lynn (who just left his post as chief counsel to Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr.!), Lynn suggested he come by to speak to members, and Ford agreed.

Which is exactly what he should have done. If Ford is still planning on campaigning for the U.S. Senate seat, he has much more to do in convincing New York’s queers that he’s an advocate, and not the “snake oil salesman” that outgoing Empire State Pride Agenda head Alan Van Capelle accused him.

There’s only one way this showdown could get better, and that’s to have Sen. Gillibrand there alongside Ford. Which might happen! Stonewall reached out to Gillibrand, and they’re working on getting her there on the same night. It’s not just mud that will fly, but the type of excrement that New Hampshire State Rep. Nancy Elliott is so fond of.

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