Illinois Senate

Both U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk and Chicago “muckraker” Andy Martin want to take over Roland Burris’ U.S. Senate seat. Republicans both, the two men are going about their campaigns in different ways. Kirk is tying his campaign to “integrity, honor, and respect” and “the change Illinois needs,” which is a novel idea in Illinois politics. Martin, meanwhile, is tying his campaign to rumors that Kirk is A HOMOSEXUAL! In radio ads airing across the state, he more than floats the idea that Kirk, who is married, is gay, and that he “surrounded himself with homosexuals.” But the H-word is not the scarlet letter it has to be for a Republican candidate. Here’s how Rep. Kirk can fight venom with venom against Martin’s mudslinging.


Connect Martin to Islamaphobia. Martin (pictured, right) was no stranger to the “Obama is a Muslim” rumor mill. Not only was that entire strategy a farce, its creators never answered one important question: And if he is, so what? Martin creates divides; politicians shouldn’t aim to do that. But there he was, all over Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News, spreading the gospel. Even among Republican voters, the rabid fringe is not as valuable as the moderate-right core, who may not like Obama, but aren’t about to shout to the rooftops that he’s Mulsim.

Martin also reeks of anti-Semitism. Hating on Muslims not bad enough? He called a federal bankruptcy judge a “crooked, slimy Jew, who has a history of lying and thieving common to members of his race.” Yeah, put that guy in office.

Remind everyone Martin wasn’t fit to even practice law in Illinois. While going by the name Anthony Martin-Trigona, he was rejected by the Illinois bar, reports Chicago News Co-Op, because of a psychiatric finding in his Selective Service file that showed him to have “moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character.” Sure, that sounds like all politicians, but we are in a blood bath here.

He claimed Obama “locked his granny away and refused to allow her to be seen” and said he is “one of the most racist politicians in America today.” We know the Illinois GOP is no fan of Obama, but c’mon, this stuff is ridiculous.

One place perhaps neither — or both? — candidates should approach? Sarah Palin. Kirk was reportedly seeking her endorsement as a means to raise campaign cash, and Martin has been aligning himself with Palin, perhaps unbeknownst to her. Palin’s endorsement could rally voters to the primary polls. It could also have a disastrous effect in the general election.

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