Time for the Queerty Week in Comments, where we present the most compelling, thought-provoking or just downright bitchy replies that came directly from you, the readers! Here’s what made us ponder or giggle in the office:


1. Same thing happened to me when I came out. My father, the strict often abusive head of the family, accepted me with open arms and 100% of his love immediately, my mother on the other hand picked up a kitchen knife and followed me all over the house screaming, telling me she was to cut my dick off and make me a woman. She was restrained by my dad and an uncle and after 30 minutes of hell, she changed her mind and decided that she was not going to castrate me but that she would castrate any man who dare ever stick his dick in me (her words). Lucky for all those men I am 100% top, so we all lived happily ever after.

Ashton Cruz had a similar except completely different experience in WATCH: Cringe As This Soldier Dumbfounds His Mom By Coming Out 



2. Hey — that first guy isn’t nekkid! He’s got a glove on!

Dallas David can’t be fooled in ESPN Magazine’s “Body Issue” Celebrates The Athletic Physique—Sans Uniform



3. I don’t like the company, its management, or anything it stands for. All their posters in the stores are particularly nauseating. But what I do enjoy is their delicious, delicious chicken. I tried to hold out for several weeks, but the siren call of their nuggets broke down my resistance. Who is to castigate me for succoring myself, in the face of all this discrimination, with a little waffle fries and bbq sauce? With a little cole slaw on the side? With a Diet Dr. Pepper?

Oh he who is without sin, cast the first nugget.

tookietookie is evil and must be stopped in Gays Chicken Out Of Hollywood Chick-Fil-A Protest



4. It took Joan Rivers 77 years to look like a mummy. It took Patty Stanger just 40 years.

christopher di spirito knows what’s up in Does MIllionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger Have Anything To Apologize For? 



5. FTFA: “I love everyone. There’s nothing on that billboard about hate…”

Likewise, if you hit kkk.com, the first sentence is: “Bringing a Message of Hope and Deliverance to White Christian America! A Message of Love NOT Hate!”

So there you have it. No hate at all.


the crustybastard has done his comparative homework in Ohio Church Erects Billboards Declaring Being Gay “Is Not A Gift”



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