How is Del City High School in Oklahoma handling its lesbian students? By trying to keep them from graduating, claim a group of former students. Kelsey Hicks says Gina Hill (pictured, below), the principal at the Del City public school, told her to drop out and get a GED, since being gay means she’s “not going to do anything with your life.” Then there’s Melissa McKenzie, who says Hill pushed her out at the beginning of the term after learning McKenzie she lives with her girlfriend; only if she returned to living with her family would she be allowed back at the school. Both students, who are 18, say they were first removed from the softball team because they are gay. Update: Or maybe the girls are just big bullies.

It’s a lovely example of gay students facing school bullying not from classmates, but from the administrators responsible for … oh, what is it they do again? Ensure kids have access to a worthwhile education?

[Note: While Hill’s name is not mentioned in the news report, she is listed as the current principal of the school. You can call her at 405-677-5777 ext. 129, or email her at [email protected]. Update: As one commenter notes, the principal in question might refer to John Benardello (pictured at right), the assistant principal for seniors, whose name was removed from the school’s website. His extension is 128 and his email is [email protected].]

UPDATE: Another side to the story: The two students are liars who have a “long history of troublemaking and bullying.”

[Oklahoma News 9]

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