It’s not that AMERICAblog‘s John Aravosis is a “HRC hater,” it’s just that now with Democrats in power in D.C., the so-called leading LGBT rights organization hasn’t figured out how to capitalize on obvious advantages. From his campaign against Joe Solmonese & Co. to a boycott on donating to the Democratic National Committee, Aravosis is utilizing netroots tools to mobilize gay Americans to pressure HRC and politicians. Is it working? Queerty‘s David Hauslaib spoke with Aravosis last week about activism, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and the general frustration of where to point the finger when we keep turning up empty handed.

“What worries me about HRC in this situation,” says Aravosis, “is I think HRC has so much pull in Washington, that if they stood up publicly and said, ‘The Democrats are screwing us, the White House is giving lip service to helping us but they’re not telling Congress we want repeals of Don’t Ask Don’t done this year, and if you want our votes and our money in November for this year for this crucial congressional election, you’re going to come through on your promises this year.’ Democrats in D.C. would crap if HRC did that.”

So why doesn’t HRC do … that?

“And that’s the question.”

(photo via)

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