On Tuesday, inadvisable rock-rapper and pro-Trump blowhard Kid Rock launched into a grim rant during his concert in Detroit.

Related: Somehow, Kid Rock wasn’t the most disgusting celeb to visit Trump’s White House on Wednesday

Entertainment Weekly reports Rock, who’s preparing to run for Senate — and was announced that night as “the next Senator of the great state of Michigan, Kid ‘mother-effing’ Rock” before taking to the stage — went on a homophobic tirade in which he asked, “And why, these days, is everything so gay?”

“Gay rights, transgender this and that. I say let gay folks get married if they want to and I’m not even close to a deathtrap. But things shouldn’t be this complicated, and no you don’t get to choose because whatever you have between your legs should determine the bathroom that you use.”


Here’s a transcript of the full tirade if you think you can stomach it: 

Announcer: “Ladies and gentleman, will you please welcome the next senator of the great state of Michigan, Kid ‘motherf—ing’ Rock.”

Kid Rock: “Well, well what a crowd. [Louder] I said well, well what a crowd. What’s going on the in the world today? Seems the government wants to give everyone health insurance but wants us all to pay. [Cheers from the crowd]

And to be very frank, I really don’t have a problem with that, since God has blessed me and made my pockets fat. But redistribution of wealth seems more like their plan. And I don’t believe you should save, sacrifice, do things by the book and then have to take care of some deadbeat, milking the system, lazy a– motherf—ing man.

Now, the issue of struggling single parents is an issue close to my heart. But read my lips: We should not reward those who can’t even take care of themselves but keep having kid after f—ing kid. [Cheers]

Of course, of course we should help them out. I don’t want to stand here and sound like a jerk. But let’s help ’em out with child care, job training and find them a f—ing place to work. And you deadbeat dads, who refuse to be a man, who refuse to be there for their sons and raise them up to be good men. You no good derelict sperm donors wannabes. I say lock all you a–holes up and throw away the f–king keys.

And if you wanna take a knee and sit there during our Star Spangled Banner, call me a racist because I’m not PC and think you have to remind me that black lives matter. Nazis. F–king bigots. And now again the KKK? I say f–k all you racists. Stay the hell away.

And why, these days, is everything so gay? Gay rights, transgender this and that. I say let gay folks get married if they want to and I’m not even close to a deathtrap. But things shouldn’t be this complicated, and no you don’t get to choose because whatever you have between your legs should determine the bathroom that you use. [Cheers]

It’s no secret we’re divided and we all should take some blame, and we all should be ashamed because we all seem scared to call him by his name [pointing to a picture of Jesus]. So please, almighty Jesus, if you’re looking down on us tonight, please guide us with your wisdom and give us strength to fight. To fight the tyrant evils that lurk here and abroad and remind us all we are just one nation under God.

And I do believe it to be self evident, that we’re all created equal. I said it once, I’ll scream it again: I love black people. And I love white people, too. But neither as much as I love red, white and blue.

And if Kid Rock said it, it’s got some folks in disarray, wait ’til you hear Kid Rock for the President of the USA. Cause wouldn’t it be a sight to see, President Kid Rock in Washington DC. Standing on the desk in the Oval Office like a G. Holding my d–k ready to address the whole country.

I’d look them straight in the eyes, the eyes of the nation live on TV, and I’d say to them, ‘You ever met a motherf—er quite like me?’”

h/t: Instinct

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