Margaret Cho Hangs Out

Here’s a woman who needs no introduction: the incomparable Margaret Cho, who recently sat down with Queerty correspondent Matt Bell to discuss, among other things, Barack Obama, marrying gays, Trans Rights her new show and getting a shot in the vagina… Matt Bell: How do you feel about returning to television? Your first series, American Girl, didn’t end so well – there was the eating disorder, stereotype scandals and the such. Margaret Cho: It’s great! I’m a producer now and I don’t have to worry about that shit. I remember when I was doing my first screen test, I wore a little midriff shirt and one of the producers freaked out afterwards screaming, “Never, ever bear your stomach in public again!’ So now I’m naked in every episode. You see ass and everything. I’m always spread eagle. It’s important for women to have another women to look to who aren’t all liposuctioned and pilated out. I’m never on on a diet. I don’t exercise that much. I’m just totally normal. People don’t have a realistic vision about what women look like, so I’m just doing my duty. MB: I heard about some kind of G-spot collagen shot in your new show… MC: I have a weird inferiority complex about how I cum. Hahaha. MB: Excuse me? MC: I can’t cum from intercourse! I get really freaked out, I think if I was cool, I’d be able to come from sex and that is what the G-shot does–it empowers women to have orgasms from intercourse. But it didn’t work for me, so I just ended up being really in pain the whole time. MB: Margaret, what does it do to your G-spot, exactly? MC: It physically elevates it so it’s easier to hit. MB: How on earth did you hear about this, Miss Cho? MC: It’s a plastic surgery thing. It’s like totally a real thing. It’s very expensive to have done – thank god the show paid for it! MB: What other fun stuff did you get from the TV Show? MC: Not much – well, I also got anal bleaching on one episode. MB: No! Tell the gays about the anal bleaching! MC: Well, first of all it doesn’t bleach all at once; you have to bleach it a little bit every day. It’s a lot like strips for your teeth, but they’re like asshole strips. It tingles a little, but it’s so easy – you take it home and do it yourself. MB: Can’t that go wildly wrong? MC: It’s such a mild solution because it’s got to go right on your hole. You do it before you go to bed. Brush your teeth, put the cream on your hole and call it a day! MB: Well, anal bleaching and G-shots aside, you’re also showing up on some other TV shows lately, too. MC: I have a small part on Sordid Lives on Logo. I’m a therapist. It’s a great show and I love it. I love Logo. It’s going to be great for them – high budget, great stars, great acting. MB: You also showed up on Kathy Griffin‘s show. MC: I love that show and I love Kathy. I had a good time on that show. MB: Are you and Kathy friends? MC: Oh, yeah! I love her! We used to hang out all the time when we were both younger and starting out, so she’s my really old and great friend. MB: You both have your gays–what is the difference between a Kathy Griffin Gay and a Margaret Cho Gay? MC: Her gays are high end, like her gays are super famous, like Lance Bass, and mine are all bears. I’m a Goldilocks. I’m all about the bears.

[Cho talking about gay marriage.]
MB: I understand you got ordained to marry the gays.

MC: Yup! I’m ordained. I’ve done two weddings – a gay male couple and a lesbian couple. It’s amazingly great because I’ve been working for this for such a long time. It’s been like another job since 1994, really trying to make this happen.

MB: Is there a long line to have you marry someone?

MC: No. I’m doing it for free and just asking the couples to make a donation to Equality California. I want to marry as many couples as I can. I’d love to do a trans couple.

MB: So how can someone get married by you?

MC: They can email me at [email protected] or they can MySpace me and we can try to work it out.

MB: We love you for your support, but back in 2004, the HRC and Stonewall Dems revoked their invitation for you to speak at their convention. What is it like to have a group you’ve worked so hard for diss you like that?

MC: It’s hard. They don’t always make the same decisions I would make. They don’t have such a high regard as I do for trans people. I want them to be much more aggressive when it comes to trans rights–like really pay attention to the whole community. They need to step it up when it comes to trans people. But in the end I think we all have to work together. I’m not going to turn my back on any organization and I’m not going to turn my back on the HRC. I think what they are doing is great.

MB: You endorsed Barack Obama pretty early on. What do you say to the gays and women who are still apprehensive about this guy?

MC: I was a Hillary supporter, too! I just started to notice that America was more sexist than they were racist and that is why the campaign was so hard on Hillary. I just felt that we just needed to get rid of the Bush administration and the conservatives and that the best chance would be to go with Obama. I also identify with him in a lot of ways, too. That was a really difficult decision because I think they’re both great.

MB: Do you think you may have related to Obama because you are both racial minorities?

MC: I really connected with him on the whole thing when people were saying he wasn’t black enough or he was too black. That’s something people have talked to me about like oh, ‘You’re too Asian,’ or ‘You’re not Asian enough.’ Those weird kind of racial evaluation questions are so odd and they really cooked me in. I got it. I became close to him with that.

MB: Do you feel that your celebrity ever works against what you’re trying to do? Like the message gets lost?

MC: I don’t know, I mean I’m not at the point where that’s a worry yet. The causes I believe in are so important to me, like gay rights and AIDS-phobia, that they go beyond any kind of personal importance or career.

MB: And your career is doing might well! Your Beautiful tour, which began in the spring has been extended through at least the fall. Is this the first time your tour has been made longer?

MC: Yeah! Now it’s like a second tour! It’s weird. We’re all over the place and I’m doing places I’ve never done before, like Radio City.

MB: Is this going to be on DVD?

MC: Yes, I’m shooting in October so it will be out after that.

MB: What do you think made this tour so popular?

MC: It’s really filthy dirty, I surprise myself sometimes! It’s all about assholes. It’s all really deep into the asshole and rectum of life. It’s super asshole focused. It’s really intense.

The Cho Show starts on VH1 on August 21st For more Margaret Cho and to find stop on her tour near you, log onto

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  • CitizenGeek

    Great interview! I love Margaret Cho and I can’t wait to watch the Cho Show!

  • michael

    She fucking rocks. I saw her in Vancouver recently and she was magnificent as always. And good for her for standing up for trans
    rights. She is a lot bigger than me when it comes to the HRC. They suck as far as I am concerned.

  • CitizenGeek

    I’ve been watching some of her interviews on TV (on The Hour, Chelsea Lately, etc.) and I’ve come to the conclusion that Margaret Cho is much, much more funny when being interviewed than when doing stand up.

  • Charley

    Now that’s a show for “The View”. Kathy, Cho, and Whoopie vs Barbara Walters.

  • Charley

    I saw her and I am still laughing at her remark about Laura Bush’s pussy tastes like Lysol. She is the greatest.

  • mark

    Margaret is hillarious in stand up or in interviews, or in blogs and forums.
    She is amazing, and a great friend to PWAs, and a great ally on marriage.

  • mark

    Margaret you look great in the current photo, you had gotten too thin for awhile, and I worried about you. What ever you are doing now, stay with it.

  • mark


    I’m sure there are millions of sites cute girls with big boobs gets a great reaction,,,but honey you’re barking up the wrong tree here.

  • No mo Cho

    I’m sorry, but she is Roseanne Barr boring. The universe of d-list LGBT celebs (Alec Mapa, Cho, and god knows Harvey Fierestein) is getting smaller. They say some funny things, they do some funny stuff, but mostly they just get rehashed by the gay press. Over and over and over.

  • hells kitchen guy

    ^^^ agreed, but I’d add Ellen.

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