Michael Lucas‘ virulent, disturbing Islamophobia continues to blind his logic.

In his latest NY Blade column, in which he regularly spills ink against Muslims, the porn producer celebrates Charles Merrill’s Qu’ran burning, writing: “…I salute Charles Merrill for his artistic and social bravery in burning a Koran.”

Lucas spends the crux of the piece demonizing the international and American Muslim populations, highlighting Islam’s political intents and trashing bloggers, such as ourselves, who respect other people’s religions:

Gay blogs have been abuzz with commentary on Charles Merrill’s gay-positive artistic statements. Some of those comments irk me, especially those that suggest respect is automatically due religious texts and traditions. Just what about anti-gay religious texts should be respected? The Bible is dead wrong to call homosexuality an abomination, and the Koran and the Hadith are even more dead wrong to call for human beings who engage in same-sex intimacies to be killed.

Lucas’ argument, however, remains so one-sided that he fails to delve into Merrill’s activist intent – discredit spiritually-sanctioned homophobia found in the world’s three major religions.

When he burned that $60,000 Qu’ran, Merrill swore: “The purpose of editing and burning Abrahamic Holy Books is to eliminate homophobic hate.” Last time we checked, Christianity, Islam and Judaism all count Abraham as part of their religious tradition. Merrill’s already taken on the Bible and The Qu’ran. No doubt The Torah’s next on his “artistic” hit list. And we doubt Lucas will be singing his praises then.

Of course, Lucas isn’t totally unaware that Judaism can be used against the gays. But, to those who bring it up, he simply tells them to take a trip to Iran, where gays are regularly executed.

Another argument I see some gay people advancing in blog comments is that of moral relativity. According to the illogic of that position, because Christian and Jewish religious texts call homosexuality an “abomination,” those two religions are as bad toward gays as Islam.

I recommend anybody stupid enough to believe that to buy an airplane ticket to Iran. They can save themselves the need for and the expense of buying a round-trip ticket by standing in downtown Teheran, kissing another gay man.

We have our own suggestion to Lucas: film your next gay porn flick in the middle of a Haredim community in Israel. One of their brethren planned on blowing up Jerusalem gay pride.

Like all fundamentalists, Lucas’ arguments do nothing to help quell inter-religious violence. In fact, Lucas, who calls Allah a “Supreme Nincompoop”, only fans the hate-filled flames.

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