Michael Lucas, in what’s becoming a regular display of Islamophobia, is again given space in The Advocate to voice his bigotry toward an entire religious community as he attacks the mosque that will be built near Ground Zero. Are we still listening to this guy’s hate parade?

Lucas refers to “Islamic culture” as “whatever that may be”; throw that slight back at him about “Jewish culture,” to which Lucas belongs, and he’d bitch you out.

In opposing the mosque on Park Place, and using the news peg to once again attack all Muslims, Lucas is assuming the same horrific position as the Anti-Defamation League, ignoring the Muslims lives that were also lost on 9/11, and shamelessly seeking to exclude an entire class of people from their American right to practice whatever religion they want. I don’t even want to copy/paste his material here. It’s that terrible.

The Advocate‘s owners Paul Colichman and Steven Jarchow should be ashamed. I know their underlings are: We’ve already heard from three staffers at Advocate/Out who are horrified their employer and editor Jon Barrett continue to provide space to spew the very type of hatred the magazine was founded to counter. Adds one: “Why not give Maggie Gallagher a column?”

And a former Lucas Entertainment staffer tells us, “This is nothing. You should hear him in person.” I’ve never met Michael Lucas, and I certainly wouldn’t want the “privilege.”

[Advocate, Bilerico]

Michael Lucas: Muslims ‘Have Not Contributed to Civilization In Any Way’ For Centuries
Michael Lucas Is Cheering Switzerland’s Attack on ‘Muslimization’

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