evil supermanWe reported earlier this week that Dallas’ Zeus Comics has decided not to carry Adventures of Superman, a new title from DC Comics written by award-winning—and vociferously anti-gay—sci-fi author Orson Scott Card.

Now at least three more shops are boycotting the comic as well: Whatever Store in San Francisco, Ralph’s Comic Corner in Ventura, California, and I Like Comics in Vancouver, Washington, all say they won’t carry the print edition of Adventure of Superman when it hits shelves on May 29.

The comic will first be published digitally, though, which means a store boycott may have less impact.

Card is a board member of the National Organization for Marriage, whose top dog, Brian Brown, calls the boycott “completely un-American.” Brown added that, “simply because we stand up for traditional marriage, some people feel like it’s okay to target us for intimidation and punishment.”

But Card isn’t just an opponent of marriage equality. He has written essays explaining that gays and lesbians could change their sexuality if they wanted to.

“Same-sex attraction is not a strait jacket; people’s desires change over time; gay people still have choices; a reproductive dysfunction like same-sex attraction is not a death sentence for your DNA or for your desire to have a family in which children grow up with male and female parents to model appropriate gender roles.”

Various articles and an All Out petition with more than 12,000 signatures hasn’t gotten DC Comics to budge:The publisher says “the personal views of individuals associated with DC Comics are just that—personal views — and not those of the company itself.”

I Like Comics owner Chris Simons explained his reasoning to the site Robot 6:

After reading about what he [Card] believes and what he does to back up those beliefs I’ve just made the decision not to carry that book either.

While Washington just recently legalized gay marriage I’m in a part of the state that definitely leans to the conservative and I expect some fallout from my actions. I know how naive this may sound, but it’s what Clark Kent would do. To me, at their core, comics are mostly about doing the right thing no matter what the cost.

If I can see this and back it up with my actions I can’t imagine why DC can’t do the same.”

Whether or not to link the personal actions and beliefs of an artist to his work is an age-old debate. (Just ask Roman Polanski—actually don’t.) But while the manager of our favorite restaurant may personally believe marriage is between one man and one woman, the difference is Card is a full-on anti-gay activist—working for NOM, donating to anti-equality initiatives and writing articles claiming “many homosexuals first entered into that world through a disturbing seduction or rape or molestation or abuse.”

That’s just bad writing.

If you’re a comic-book fan—or even if you’re not—go to your local comic shop and ask them to not carry Adventures of Superman. Or perhaps, even better, ask them to consider creating a display of LGBT-interest titles to put right next to Card’s work.


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