Yesterday Rick Santorum made a stupid comment about how gay marriages aren’t really marriages the same way that paper towels aren’t really napkins. This lead MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to go on an equally silly-sounding tirade about how napkins really ARE paper towels right before predicting that “Rick Santorum’s campaign will be ending soon.”

According to O’Donnell, Santorum’s tired attempts to connect same-sex marriage to polygamy (and thus, his Mormon-born opponent Mitt Romney) are almost as sad as FOX’s attempt to cut openly-gay GOP presidential candidate Fred Karger out of tomorrow’s debate in Iowa.

O’Donnell is wrong though—FOX’s move is far worse because it closes the political process purely based on sexual orientation—a direct illustration of how institutional homophobia disenfranchises queers.

My prediction: FOX won’t let Karger onstage this week and will make some false and ambiguous comment suggesting he might be in a future debate… a promise they have no absolutely intention of keeping.

Fair and balanced.

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