I'm Coming Out

8 Notable People Who Came Out In The Past Year

It’s National Coming Out Day! If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve already come out—so congrats on that. If you haven’t, just change your middle name on Facebook to “Big Fat Homo.” (Life in the 21st century is sooo much easier.) We announced our sexuality during the Cretaceous Period so when October 11 rolls around, we like to pick one random stranger to come out to. This year it was the dry cleaner. (He said it explained a lot of the stains.) The past twelve months have seen a number of big-name outings—athletes, journalists, actors, businessmen. None is more important that the disclosure of everyday people like you, of course. But just the same, we’ve made a list of notable folks who announced they’re LGB or T since last National Coming Out Day. Did we forget someone? Sound off in the comments! UP FIRST: A newsman makes news
Don Lemon A certain silver-haired anchor is still mum about his sexuality, but this rising star took a gamble and won when he announced he was gay when released his memoir, Transparent, in May 2011. So far Lemon has done a commendable job showing you don’t have to sacrifice objectivity and integrity as a out newsman—while still standing up for the LBGT community when the need arises.   NEXT: A TV star who doesn’t look at Playboy
Sean Maher The usual strategy for actor to come out is to either wait until a scandal is about to break or their career has all but fizzled. Maher, who first caught our eye in the sci-fi series Firefly, rewrote the script: He came out to Entertainment Weekly just as he was about to embark on his highest-profile role to date, on NBC’s ill-fated The Playboy Club. The series crashed on arrival but Maher’s bold honesty made him an even bigger name in Hollywood—proving coming out can be good for your career.   NEXT: A team player stands alone  
Anton Hysen In the rest of the world, soccer is as wrapped up in national identity and masculinity as much as football is in the U.S.—if not more so. So it was kind of a big deal when Anton Hysén, the 20-year-old British-born soccer player for Sweden’s Utsiktens BK, came out in March as the only openly gay player currently in the sport. (Justin Fashanu preceded him in 1990.) “It’s totally sick when you think about it,” he says of his lone-gay status. “Where the hell is everyone else?” Good question.   NEXT: A soldier’s story hits YouTube  
Randy Phillips Phillips is just one of thousands of men and women who sacrificed a part of themselves under the odious policy of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. But by videotaping and uploading his coming-out conversation with his dad—and his mom, who took it a little harder—he showed straight America just how brave LGBT servicemembers are. At ease, solider.   NEXT: Scoring points off the court  
Rick Welts Welts, president and CEO of the Phoenix Suns, announced he was gay in a May 15 article in the New York Times, making him the first out executive in a major-league sports franchise. (He’s since moved on to the Golden State Warriors.) While Welts’ revelation doesn’t have the same flashiness it would have if he were a pro athlete, its long-term impact is potentially greater: As top brass, he not only sets policy, he hires and fires and writes the checks. You can bet none of the Warriors will be calling anyone a “fucking faggot.”   NEXT: Here comes the judge!  
  Judge Vaughn Walker He presided over the Prop 8 trial, where his sexuality became a point of contention for the defense, but Walker didn’t officially disclose he was gay until April 2011, after he stepped down from the bench. He was the first openly gay judge to serve on the federal level. Ironically Walker almost didn’t get his appointment because of some perceived homophobia: After he was nominated by then-President Ronald Reagan in 1987, the Senate Judiciary Committee hemmed and hawed because he had represented the U.S. Olympic Committee in a trademark lawsuit against the “Gay Olympics” (now called the Gay Games).  Rep. Nancy Pelosi led nearly two dozen House Democrats in opposing Walker’s nomination because of his alleged insensitivity to gays. D’oh!   NEXT: Former teen idol has the right stuff  
Jonathan Knight Okay, so a former boy-bander waiting to come out until he was out of the spotlight for almost 20 years isn’t quite an earth-shattering revelation. But for those of us who remember when New Kids on the Block sent millions of fans into fainting spells, it was still kinda a big deal. Seriously, he dated Tiffany! Knight, who pulled the old “I thought everyone knew” card, did make a good point in a statement to the press: “My fellow band members don’t discuss their private lives with their loved ones and I don’t feel that just because I am gay, I should have to discuss mine!” Oh, and for the gaybies out there, here’s a picture of Knight in his NKOTB heyday   NEXT: The kids are alright


Graeme Taylor
Taylor might not have been closeted last November, when he spoke before his county school board on behalf of a teacher  suspended for disciplining a student who said his religion declared homosexuality sinful. But  the story was picked up by media outlets nationwide (he even appeared on Ellen), so he certainly outed himself on a much broader level than most of us have.

Unlike most of the people we’ve profiled Taylor, who was just 14 at the time, doesn’t trade on his public image. In his everyday life he’s not a newsmaker or VIP (past or present). He’s just a regular kid who decided to take a stand—making his “coming out” the most important on this list.


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  • Jeff

    Came out on youtube fall of 2008…in just 3 months time, all my friends and acquaintances on campus had gotten word. it was awkward for the first few days, then i soon started openly dating. I was so glad i did it that way, it helped me tremendously, and i gained much respect from many others. to my surprise, i even enabled others to come out. #NationalComingOutDay

  • Cindy Rizzo

    You meant to say: 8 Notable MEN Who Came Out in the Past Year. Right?

  • ChiGuy76

    You forgot Paul Marcarelli, the Verizon test guy who also has a new movie out called “The Green” starring Cheyenne Jackson. Can’t you here him now?

  • mike

    @Cindy Rizzo: I sure noticed that too; then again not very surprised. We men, gay and straight, always think with our dicks first and then with our brains. But journalists, even quasi ones here at Queerty, who claim to represent QUEERS, you couldn’t come up with any lesbians? nor bi’s, nor Chaz’s? Big FAIL.

  • Cam

    @mike: said…

    “@Cindy Rizzo: I sure noticed that too; then again not very surprised. We men, gay and straight, always think with our dicks first and then with our brains. But journalists, even quasi ones here at Queerty, who claim to represent QUEERS, you couldn’t come up with any lesbians? nor bi’s, nor Chaz’s? Big FAIL.”

    1. Chaz didn’t come out THIS year. He came out as transgendered prior to this year, and as a lesbian many years ago.

    2. If you’ve got a list of lesbians that came out publicly lets see it. I noticed you getting nasty and attacking gay men and the writers, but funny enough I didn’t see you point out anybody that they missed. They asked for names if they missed anybody. So give them some if they missed them. If a famous lesbian came out then list her. Or do you just like to name call?

  • MikeE

    but women are not true life forms
    (jk… star trek geek ref)

  • Dan Avery

    NOTE FROM EDITOR: This list was made with the intention of including a diverse group of LGBTs. I originally had Chely Wright on this list, But she came out before October 2010.

    There are many notable lesbians whose coming out had a major impact on the culture, just not in the period of October 2010-2011. If there are lesbians, bisexuals or trans people Ive forgotten, I would be more than happy to amend this list or do another one.

  • stoopid louie

    @Dan Avery: No need to bother with another list—women aren’t real people like us, we all know this.

  • Shannon1981

    Out and Proud since October 1, 1996. I didn’t come out, I was outed at school that day.And plenty of people had already known up to two years before that.

    However, I use this day each year to honor those who have the courage to Come Out of The Closet. And, also, I simply love a fabulous gay holiday! Hats off to everyone Coming Out Today!

  • Lefty

    I’m beginning to think the errors on this site are just to get pedants like me to comment, but #4 isn’t a picture of Anton Hysen – that’s his Dad, Glenn Hysen. A picture of Anton would be nice, as he’s absolutely f*cking gorgeous. 😀

  • Michelle

    Geri Jewell (Actor) came out – Lesbian in her book ” I’m Walking as Straight as I Can”
    Even Rachel Wood – Bisexual to Esquire Magazine

  • Larry

    I came out to my family after seeing Randy Phillips on youtube. Thank you so much for giving me the courage, Randy. I have just retired from the Navy after 20 years and some of my co-workers knew but all they cared about was that I was their friend and a good worker. I hope that everyone that is still in the service get to breath a little easier. I’m proud of all of you out there.

  • Mike in Asheville

    @Cam: @Dan Avery:

    (Was using my hubby’s computer, so my post was under his “mike” while I go by Mike in Asheville.)

    I am not the gay blogger here posting about queers who came out in the past 12 months. Nonetheless, since you Cam did not, and you Dan Avery, who is the blogger blogging about queers who came out in the past 12 months, I did just a couple of minutes googling.

    While I did not remember her name, as I also did not remember the adorable Randy Phillips’ (pic #5) name, the very same time that Randy’s video was making its way around the net, Chief Petty Officer Charlene Morgan appeared on Thomas Robert’s show, came out, and discussed DADT repeal. Recognizing Charlie is certainly on an equal basis as Randy — both newly out due to the repeal of DADT // cheers to both of them.

    Great you included actor Sean Avery, an up-and-comer who came out early compared to most gay actor (pic #3) but you failed big time in also recognizing actress Amber Heard Gay, not from an unsuccessful dropped TV show, but co-star in the highly successful Pineapple Express and Zombieland (came out in December 2010).

    And to cover the group of former stars coming out, there is Geri Jewell, of the very successful (though not that I ever watched it) Facts of Life.


    So that was my 5 minutes of Googling in support of fellow queers, the equally talented, brave and daring lesbians. How about Queerty, Dan, Cam? Can’t pitch-in to brush a shine on the women who fight for their right to love their women?

  • Laura

    What about Amber Heard, who came out in December 2010?

  • JAW

    I had never heard about Heard… Pretty woman

    had anyone else not heard Heard came out???


  • Cam

    @Mike in Asheville:


    Thank you, I get irritated by people attacking but not having any evidence.

  • Shannon1981

    My National Coming Out Day post! The video at the end will make you cry.

  • paul ny

    Anton Hysen , I never knew who he was before this article. Now I think I am in love. lol. What a beautiful man. And he is good at sports too? Where do I sign up!!!

  • Louise B

    I think it’s ironic that you wrote “8 notable people” when you should’ve written “8 notable men”. I don’t see any lesbians or bisexual women that you’ve made notable here. The women make the difference aswell.

  • Cam

    @Louise B: said…

    “I think it’s ironic that you wrote “8 notable people” when you should’ve written “8 notable men”. I don’t see any lesbians or bisexual women that you’ve made notable here. The women make the difference aswell.”

    Then please list out the notable women who came out this year that you would like to see on the list as the author asked you to.

  • Anthony

    @Lefty: It is a picture of Anton. What are you talking about?

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