BC Lions quarterback Kevin Glenn, via Facebook
BC Lions quarterback Kevin Glenn, via Facebook

A professional football team in Vancouver felt the cold sting of homophobia on its Facebook page this week after showing support for the city’s annual gay pride parade.

On Sunday, August 3, the Facebook profile photo for the BC Lions had changed to incorporate the rainbow flag for one short day while LGBTs marched through downtown Vancouver.

As expected, a large group of “oppressed” white heterosexual men (and some self-described “Christian” women) flooded the photo’s comments section with poorly worded threats and paragraphs bemoaning this “special attention” gays were receiving in a “sports” space.

The Editors at OutSports gathered those that ushered in the most lulz:

“God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve”

“My sexual preference, religion and politics have NOTHING to do with the CFL and vice versa! Not impressed with this PR stunt.”

“If I wore a tee saying “Proud to be Straight” I would be ridiculed! Just saying think about it…..it’s not politically correct.”

“So lets see if I have this right… someone doesn’t agree with you so they automatically get labelled as ” haters ” ( even though they don’t hate you, they just don’t agree with you ) and ” homophobic ” which is a pretty ridiculous statement as a phobia is a debilitating fear that causes you to lose control of your faculties and thought processes. Excuse me if I find the thought of one man sticking his penis up another man “pooper ” ( to put it politely ) repulsive. I does not mean that I am afraid that I’m going to become a homosexual if I end up being in the same room as them nor do I want to cause them ill will. So all you ” ignorant heterophobic haters ” ( see how dumb that sounds ) can stop crying foul just because there are people who don’t agree with you and don’t feel like we have to support you.”

But what really speaks volumes here is the fact that the BC Lions did not even address their obscene ridiculers, and more importantly, that the Pride logo received many more likes than the original team logo, which was re-uploaded the following day.

The amount of supportive comments versus unsupportive comments is downright inspiring. Facebook user Gail Reed chimes in with one of many san opinions delivered in the photo’s comment section:

I am shocked at some of the comments here. “When’s straight day?” “Soooo disappointed…” and so on and so forth. There are so many cities out there in this world, where ppl have to hide their orientation for fear of being disowned, or worse. Gays are still persecuted and still lack a lot of human rights that the rest of the population enjoy. So, until that time when they are afforded the same rights, I see nothing wrong in organizations showing their support and showing that it is nothing to be afraid of, or ashamed of. Showing the rainbow colours and allowing a parade, serves as a platform for the LGBT community to celebrate and not hide their orientation. I’m all for it. GO LIONS!!

So hurry up and cover your “pooper,” straight folk! We’re coming for NASCAR next!

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