gay soccer gesture

• In the UK, members of the Stonewall Football Club faced off in a soccer match against a team of Parliament members, beating them soundly 7-0. The match was arranged to raise awareness of homophobia, but the Parliament’s “fear of gays” has potentially increased after getting so thoroughly whooped. [Pink News]

• Straight men are becoming as body-conscious as the rest of us, according to a study, and they even lie about how much they weigh. It may have finally happened: Straight men are the new straight women! [Medical News Today via Towleroad]

• In Minnesota, the State Senate Majority Leader is accused of kibitzing with Supreme Court justices about the potential outcome of cases challenging the state’s gay marriage ban. Allegedly several justices told him they “would not touch” it, and now there are calls for his resignation. [Washington Blade]

• Gay members of the British Royal Navy are very “keen” to march in uniform in the EuroPride parade in London on July 1. They are the only wing of the British armed forces not to have participated in a Pride parade, and they are eager to have a “service presence” at the festivities. We are baffled by the idea of a “service presence” at Pride, but then again, we are American. [The Guardian] UPDATE: The sailors will be allowed to march in the parade. [The Times]

• The first of the gay marriage lawsuits in New York State has reached the state’s highest court: the Court of Appeals. The five couples involved in the lawsuit won a victory last year from a New York City judge, then lost in appeal, and then appealed the appeal (we didn’t know you could do that), and now here we are. If the Court of Appeals finds the state’s ban on gay marriage perfectly legal, Tiffany’s might not make its projected profit next quarter without all those wedding band sales. [365Gay]

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