PHOTO: Is This The Most Photogenic Man On The Internet?

Earlier this week, a funny thing happened on the Internet when millions of straight men were introduced to the so-called “Ridiculously Photogenic Guy” (RPG). While dudes know the Internet is generally for straight porn and titties, the RPG blew up on Reddit, earning the unwavering devotion of thousands of straight bro-dudes. With his disarming looks and air of calm confidence in the midst of a strenuous physical feat—the grueling 26.2-mile marathonthe annual 10k over the Cooper River Bridge in Charlestown, SC—there’s definitely something special about this dude. But we wonder, do y’all know of anyone more photogenic? If so, e-mail the pics to us at [email protected] and we’ll post the winner and 3 runners-up next Friday! Someone doing an athletic or strenuous activity and looking good in the midst of many other people looking nasty will probably take the cake! Keep it PG—everyone’s photogenic in their undies. Click through to see more funny pics of the RPG. Source: Photo via Will King


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  • Kaio

    Good to know someone is being revered instead of bashed, which is usually the case.

  • CJ

    It’s not a marathon. It’s an annual 10k over the Cooper River Bridge in Charleston, SC.

  • Will King

    Could you please attribute the original photo instead of linking a copy according to the Creative Commons license the photo has been released under?

  • pierre

    I don’t get it.

  • Gauthier

    Ohgod, please not you guys too!? Can’t we just let this fucking meme die already? It’s run it’s due course, namely three days on Reddit. We GET it, he looks cute while running a marathon, the idolization of looks is really getting out of hand, it’s ridiculous.

  • Steve

    that last one was badass

  • Ted

    Is This The Most Photogenic Man On The Internet? No.

  • Evan Mulvihill

    @Will King: Only for you, Willy.

  • Spike

    So last week Reddit.

    Breaking News Queerty

  • Bipolar Bear

    The meme needs some black humour. Has anyone photoshopped him into pics of the Hindenburg disaster?

  • Muleskinner

    It’s true, gay people really don’t have a sense of humor.

  • Jeff

    Gay guys are mean

  • Ok, ok

    Average looking guy, most photogenic man on the internet. …O…k.

  • arlo

    LMAO, have you all seen the non-running photos of this guy? He’s fug. One good pic does not a model make 😛

  • Rey

    Don’t understand how a generic photo could be getting this much play.

  • RedAssault

    He’s…. I mean… really?

    Yeah, nice looking guy, I guess. Above average. cute? I mean… I’d fuck him but I’ve blown cab drivers to stop the meter.

    “The most Photogenic?”

    I mean… I can probably find about 75 pictures of men running that look just as good in about 75 seconds. I can probably find about 50 pictures of that guy looking better. I don’t’ understand how such a totally random and not even vaguely compelling picture got a second look from anyone.

  • RedAssault

    Oh wait… we’re talking about the relatively handsome guy on the left, right? Not the two Diesel Dykes front and center?

  • vixlad

    @pierre: me neither.

  • vixlad

    @Ted: agreed

  • Will

    I love how emphatic everyone is getting over this subject. Also, the fact that people are arguing, without a hint of irony, over what is an intrinsically subjective topic always fascinates me. Obviously he’s not the MOST beautiful man ever, but on the internet, everything is hyperbole. It’s how things get noticed. He stands out because he has managed to look handsome [and that’s my OPINION, largely down to the fact that he is smiling] during what should be a particularly sweaty, unflattering affair. There are probably bigger scumbags than Scumbag Steve and bigger heros than Good Guy Greg, but no-one cares because they are just vehicles for a joke [which are also subjective, so if you don’t find it funny, find something you do find funny, laugh at it, and come back when you have chilled out a bit]. Incidentally, did you know that the captions around the pictures also aren’t referring to actual events? SHOCK/HORROR.

  • Franco

    People on this comment board are unfairly critical. It’s a funny photo and if you don’t think so move on. Why do gay men always feel it necessary to criticize another man’s appearance? Why?

  • Ok, ok

    @Will: @Franco:

    Why so defensive?

  • John McLaren

    This kind of search was conducted before when Queerty ran a picture of a muscle bound hot IHOP server. His picture and the story ran for several days but I doubt if anyone could identify him. These hot str8 guys don’t have friends who troll gay blogs. If multi-millionaire lottery ticket owners can not come forward to claim their winnings I wonder if Mr. Marathon will come forward anymore than Mr. Hot IHOP who still remains a mystery.

  • Ok, ok

    @John McLaren: Except that guy was actually hot and Queerty did not discover him or write any of the original information. It all came from a Tumblr site that posts hot guys and his identity was discovered and he even posted on the site(to ask people not to spread his picture around). He’s some bodybuilder who’s day job is at IHOP. They found his real name, work address, and everything.

    Queerty steals articles all the time and rarely gives credit to the original author(s).

  • nineinchnail

    I dont see what the big deal is. He’s nt THAT great looking.

  • frank

    God you people are dolts.

  • Troll

    Photogenic has nothing to do with how hot or gorgeous or fuckable a person in. Jesus fucking Christ. Queerty is comprised of some of the most slow witted, oblivious people on the internet.

  • haroldsmith

    I am more photogenic than him. I like his hair and smile.
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