oh snap

PHOTOS: Beautiful Ex-Model Promotes Opportunity to Kiss Him on Television

SPL119453_001 OH SNAP — New VH1 reality star Antonio Sabato Jr. stops by The Wendy Williams Show to plug Sunday’s debut My Antonio, where 13 women will compete for a chance to be ditched after the cameras stop rolling. (Photos: Splash News)

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  • drew brown

    omg he’s the gayest person in the world. this is stupid. why can’t he just come out? oh, right, cuz then he couldn’t have a dumb reality tv show about dating girls.

  • Geoff M

    Gayest looking or gay as in really gay? I never heard he applied for membership.

  • drew brown

    @Geoff M: i’ve heard from credible sources that he is or was living with a boyfriend/partner.

  • Suburban

    IF he is I doubt he’ll ever admit it publicly. He had a great body and still does. Testosterone was over-hyped.

  • Muaddib777

    Damn he is still sexy as hell. He was in some TV movie where he played a gay con man that came out when I was like 9 or 10. It was the very first movie with any gay stuff I had ever seen.

  • alan brickman

    still hot even though he’s a jerk…still do him…

  • BCCanuck

    “where 13 women will compete for a chance to be ditched”

    Well, it requires a full coven of witches led by the Horned One himself to perform the Ancient and August Ritual of Ditching …

  • edgyguy1426

    Why is he a jerk? I loved ‘Testosterone’
    LOL BCCanuck!

  • Disgusted American

    mmmm he’d be good on TRUE BLOOD!

  • Like Whoa

    i’m surprised queerty posted an antonio interview with that drag queen-hater Wendy Williams. Esp since he was interviewed by gay rag Advocate today also – and at least in that interview he talked about gay topics like his faux pas last year on Chelsea Lately. And sounds like he wasn’t crazy about Testosterone either. http://www.advocate.com/exclusive_detail_ektid105047.asp

  • Lloyd Baltazar

    You guys are stupid. Antonio Sabato is not gay. He currently has a girlfriend and he’s very much straight. Not to mention he has a son from a previous marriage. YEAH I KNOW, you people will say that married guys can have gay affairs too… Yeah but this is not the case for Antonio.

    Yeah, he played gay roles early in the days but many actors do as a screen test for future roles in movies. Just ask Keannu Reaves and Russell Crowe.

    He’s not gay. Jesus… but yeah, he sure is hot—I’d definitely do him. I remember his Calvin Klein jeans ads from 1990’s… very hot straight guy.

  • drew brown

    @Lloyd Baltazar: you’re gonna have to come up with better evidence than “he currently has a girlfriend” and “he has a son from a previous marriage.” neither of those statements comes even close to proving his alleged straightness. the man ain’t straight. he’s just holding onto what little commercial appeal he has left.

  • Lloyd Baltazar

    Honey, I’m gay too okay. He’s straight. Leave him alone. Just because he played several gay-themed movies in the past and early on in his career does not mean he is Gay. He shot the best ads for male internation for Calvin Klein and that was pretty much the highlight of his career.

    Stop claiming that he’s gay just because he’s a hot straight guy. HES NOT GAY. STOP IT. You and the rest of these old queens need to check your defective gaydar. Antonio Sabato is NOT gay. Jesus.

  • Lloyd Baltazar

    You gays are going to claim that he’s gay just as you claim every other hot straight guy is a homosexual too. It’s becoming too irrational but completely logical from a commercial/marketing point of view. I just really find it comical how many of the allegations you guys point out to is not great detection sometimes.

    Just like many gay guys have claimed Tyson Beckford is gay in the 1990’s… the same case here. Gays claiming straight guys to be gay just because you fantasize about his macho appeal. PLEASE. Antonio Sabato is STRAIGHT.

  • Lloyd Baltazar

    Oh another guy that old queens LOVVVVEEEEE to claim that is gay—-Simon from [husband of alex]…Real Housewives of New York City. God, the gay allegations does not stop there, doesn’t it?

  • drew brown

    @Lloyd Baltazar: aww look who’s calling other people an old queen. that’s cute. i’m saying he’s gay because i know someone who KNOWS HIM and says he had a boyfriend in miami, where he lives. i don’t have direct proof but it’s better than your lame US Weekly evidence that he’s straight. so there. shut it.

  • allancsn

    Too much ‘coffee’ hun – WTF if he’s gay or straight – doing a dumb TV show about dating makes him a TWAT.
    And even if he is gay WTF – it’s not a crime – yet.

  • ggreen

    This guy looks terrible for 37, I know 50 year-olds that look better and didn’t have all the plastic surgery he’s had. Hes proves genes only go so far and having kids makes you look ancient. I saw him in person 10 years ago and he looked older but less plucked, waxed and pulled. His skin now has that Joan Rivers look to it. At least he doesn’t have hideous tattoos.

  • Kid A

    I guess this thread perfectly demonstrates the visibility of the “B” in LGBT.

  • DavidfrankRay

    Dude…CHILL OUT! Maybe Jesus was gay?!

  • BCCanuck

    Please. Antonio Sabato Jr. is not gay. He is simply genetically predisposed towards excessive happiness. Not gay, but happy. Very, very happy. And he wants you to be happy too.

  • Lex

    @Lloyd Baltazar: Why do you care so much?

    When is the last time this man has even been relevant? I’m sure he’d be happy anyone is even speculating at all.

  • little beavis

    hes so gay! hes next to come out soon!! queen plz!!~

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