Theatre Gays

PHOTOS: Broadway Loves the 80s, Queerty Loves Nick Adams

Sign us up for anything Broadway hottie Nick Adams is doing. With that logic, we’re on board for Broadway Loves The 80’s: Volume 5 The Movie Edition, hosted on Sunday by Village gay Randy Jones and media gay Mo Rocca at New York City’s Joe’s Pub. Songs were sung! Dancing was danced! Yellow wife beaters were, well, lucky as hell. Also pictured: Danny Calvert, Morgan Karr, (Photos: Splash News)

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  • TANK


  • Matt

    Village people or Village of the Damned? You decide.

  • TANK

    I just love mo rocca’s hipster goonies t-shirt. It’s so ironic…so very ironic.

  • Yurr!

    @Matt: SOME are really hot, like the right dancer (i think the guy on #14)

  • slider

    The guy in picture 14 plays “Brody” on All My Children..a very hot guy….hot body…and sexy and cute..I sure hope he is on our team:)

  • slider

    oops..I meant to say the the guy in picture 14 plays “Brody” in One Life to Live…very hot, sexy cute and I sure hope he is Gay:)

  • AlwaysGay

    Nick Adams is really hot. The hottest pics are 11 and 12. The Indian is sexy too.

  • sal(the original)

    @slider: omg omg that guy is hawtttttt!!!!i remember seeing him b4 and omg

  • Tony

    Few comments…

    1. Can someone caption the photos so we know who these people are?

    2. For anyone who asks what “gay face” is the photo of guy #1 is a perfect example.

    3. Did Mo Rocca come out yet? Last I knew he was still closeted.

    4. #14 is Mark Lawson who plays “Brody Lovett” on ONE LIFE TO LIVE and unfortunately he is not gay.

  • chris

    I don’t know if Mo Rocca accounced it, but he certainly doesn’t hide it. I used to work at a gay club at ptown and he was there, hitting on everyone, including me!

  • sal(the original)

    @Tony: that Mo Rocca question,im with ya?i always wondered

  • sal(the original)

    ? is an error lol

  • danny

    who the fu*k are these people? They’re all hip and fit!

  • KyleR

    I love Nick Adams too!! A Hottie McMuffin!! EhM!!!! And so was the Indian from the Village People tribute. Looked like a nice butt!!

  • Nick

    Who’s the guy in the piano belt? And the guy in #13?

  • Mike

    I cannot believe that anybody from the Village People is still a live.

    Nick A. is HOT!

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