PHOTOS: LGBT Activists Protest St. Petersburg’s Anti-Gay Law In Antwerp, Paris, Berlin, And NYC

This photo is the only one we have from protestors in St. Petersburg itself, where a law that would ban “promotion of homosexuality” passed the legislature today, despite the fact that AllOut.org held a “Global Day of Action Against Anti-Gay Censorship in Russia” yesterday. AllOut has gathered over 66,000 signatures on an online petition (sign it!) demanding that St. Petersburg regional governor not sign the anti-gay bill, or risk suffering the consequence of lessened tourism. Protestors came out in Berlin, New York City, Antwerp, Paris, and Buenos Aires to tell Gov. Poltavchenko: Don’t go there. Click through to see the photos of AllOut protests from all over the world!
Berlin, Germany
New York City
New York City

Paris, France

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  • jeff4justice

    Great stuff. However, can I just say I am OVER putting tape on mouths on every damn action. Time to get more inventive.

  • MoJo

    I’ll definitely sign. But I’m not gonna “click-thru”!
    Drag this site into the Present & give yer readers a Fruck’N “View All” option!

  • Joey

    Power to them, as the Quaker’s say, I’m holding them in the light.

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