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PHOTOS: The Beautiful Gay Jesus Exhibit Spain’s Catholics Had Canceled

Speaking of Gay Jesus, the photographer Fernando Bayona unveiled an showcase titled Circus Christi, at the University of Granada in Spain, which featured your lord and savior in some updated looks. The exhibit follows Jesus “from his medically assisted birth in a well-appointed hospital delivery room to his first sexual exploration with Mary Magdalen and then ultimately to his discovery of (and betrayal by) homosexuality. Along the way to Calvary, Bayona’s Jesus tastes sex, drugs, and even joins a rock band.” For not-fully-explained reasons, the university abruptly closed the exhibit early. Something about Catholic groups demanding Bayona’s head? Well, the photos may be off the walls, but you can still see them here.

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  • darek

    could it be the exhibit was cancelled because the photos are terrible?

  • Ben

    @darek: Most likely.

  • dontblamemeivotedforhillary

    BTW – There is no God – phew!

  • james p. p.

    wasn’t there a Swedish lesbian who photographed the last supper with drag queens several years ago? and they got into a battle with the Vatican because it was going on display in Rome… maybe i’m just making it up…

    anyway, hers were much cooler. the art direction in these were not bad, but the photography is…. not very spiritually inspiring.

  • William Day

    @darek: Really? I thought some of them were quite nice. Some were slap-dash: Number 9 looks awful, for instance, but most of the earlier shots were quite striking.

  • alan brickman

    they could have chose a better Jesus…plus the photo concepts aren’t that great…canceled because of boredom maybe??…

  • Lukas P.

    If the exhibit was canceled due to poor attendance, then that may speak to the power of the Catholic church OR to the lack of publicity for the show. The photos and the artist have garnered more publicity for the cancelation than they may have got for the expo itself.

    I say this as a non-Catholic and a non Christian, but I do seem to remember that the Jesus reported in the New Testament had more words attributed to him about the poor, ill, weak, divorced, and disposessed than about the favored, the well and the gays.

    Let’s remember that Jesus reportedly included in his coterie [posse] a prostitute. He cared about the lepers [pariahs]. OH Yeah, he changed water into wine [as opposed to wine into water: HELLO Baptists and Mormons!] and had strong statements about the role of government..

    This exhibit perhaps exposed the hypocrites’ fear that Jesus’ message was, in fact, revolutionary. He advocated for change. For the upheaval of the usual way of seeing and doing things.

    As my favorite nun once intoned: “Jesus comforted the troubled and troubled the comfortable.

    She and I never saw eye-to-eye on theology, but she had a VERY good point.

    She never +once+ showed me any disrespect. I will return her kindness by saying that she stood firm in her opposition to injustice wherever she found it, and she taught me a great deal about being brave in the face of authority. I wish I had one tenth of her tenacity.

  • Geoff M

    @james p. p.: I had to look this up and see her take on the Last Supper after you mentioned it. Her name is Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin and here’s the link:

  • Steven W

    @ Willem Day: I agree. Some of these had a really nice setup, though some were lurched into outright tacky.

  • Lukas P.

    See, sometimes being censored or having your art show closed can be a good thing for your career: you get press, you get talked about, and get googled.

    Now I can’t wait for the photographer artiste who makes images of Jeee-Zus flogging a male hooker or giving some poor sinner leprosy.

    That will set off fire alarms in the Vatican.

    Meanwhile, the Prada-clad Pope preaches against the wearing of condoms,……

  • james p. p.

    Geoff!! Thank you! You’re brilliant!

    I saw her Ecco Homo series however many years ago (10? 11?)… I don’t even know how I found them I was barely out…

    It was just comforting to see… gays… like me and not like me – in a religious setting (as I was leaving a tough religion as well).


  • montreal florist

    It’s funny performence. Special idea!

  • Anonymous

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