Students at La Sapienza University of Rome have been in a tizzy after learning their math professor used to work as a hardcore gay muscle daddy adult film star.

Ruggero Freddi’s x-rated past came to light after he posted a video of himself flexing his massive muscles to Facebook. Someone recognized him and contacted a reporter.

But if the tipster was hoping to spark a scandal, they can keep dreaming. Freddi was completely unfazed by being discovered. He told the Italian publication Republica that he isn’t ashamed of his porno past.

“Some students reposted the photo in a few sites and from there my former life as a porn actor emerged,” he explained. “To be honest, it wasn’t exactly a secret.”

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Freddi went on to explain that he initially wanted to work in engineering in Italy, but lack of opportunity forced him to look elsewhere for employment.

“Then I was offered to do a film in the USA. I thought, ‘Why not?’ A job that helps me earn more and is a more entertaining career,” he said.

One thing led to another and he eventually he signed a contract with Colt Studios in California. He became known as Carlo Masi, a gruff bodybuilder with a penchant for hardcore sex.

Freddi quit porn in 2013 and returned to Italy, where he got a Masters degree in Math. This is in addition to the Masters degree he already had in Computer Engineering.

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He now lives his partner of 11 years, Gustavo Alejandro Leguizamon, and is pursuing his PhD. He tells Gay Star News that since being “outed” as a former porn star, things have been a little “crazy,” but in the best way possible.

“I knew sooner or later something was going to happen, but I didn’t expect something so big to happen,” he says. “I thought someone would publish something and my students would talk about it for a while, but I wasn’t expecting the entire country to actually speak about it.”

He adds that he hasn’t had any issues at the university.

“I’m happy and proud of both my careers,” he says. “They both reflect part of my personality. I was happy I was a good looking guy and the world recognized this. I am very happy the world recognizes I’m a smart guy.”

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