u-s-senator-ted-cruzLess than a month has passed since Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz blew his own horn for being the ‘big picture’ kind of guy who would sit down with some gays (in their own home! we’re sure he brought plenty of purell) to discuss the issues of the day.

“I know it’s been a long time since we’ve seen it, but this is what it means to truly be a ‘big tent Republican’ instead of a panderer,” he said of his fundraising event fireside chat at the NYC penthouse of gay real estate execs Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass.

If you’ll remember from the idiotic fumbling that ensued, Reisner and Weiderpass couldn’t quite agree on a story of why this match made in hell was ever consummated. First it was a “terrible mistake,” then they somehow managed to throw all gay people under the bus for being “cheap” and “entitled,” and finally Weiderpass attacked the “gay extremists” who were so far out in left field that they couldn’t comprehend the good he and Reisner were doing by sitting down with someone like Cruz.

Cruz and Weiderpass
Cruz and Weiderpass

“I hosted a United States Senator Presidential candidate and asked him how he would feel if his daughter were to tell him she was lesbian,” Weiderpass wrote in an op-ed. “How often do you think he has been asked that?”

Let’s see if they moved the dial.

Cruz was asked to give his thoughts on gay marriage just before his meeting with tweedle dee and tweedle dum, and here’s the nonsense he spouted:

“What the media tries to twist the question of marriage into…is a battle of emotions and personalities. They try and make it say, for example, ‘gosh any conservative must hate people who are gay.’ As you know, that has nothing to do with the operative legal question…I’m a constitutionalist, and under the constitution, from the beginning of this country, marriage has been a question for the states.”

On the one hand it’s a stupid answer — what would marriage ever have to do with emotions and personalities?! But it’s not exactly antigay. If anything it’s an endorsement of the states’ right to lead the charge towards national marriage equality.

Cut to this week, when Cruz appeared on a right wing radio show and shared with host Eric Metaxas what he thought was the “greatest threat to religious liberty in the history of the United States.” Right Wing Watch reports:

Cruz said that the fights over “religious freedom” laws in Indiana and Arkansas were “heartbreaking” examples of how the Democratic Party has “gotten so extreme and so radical in its devotion to mandatory gay marriage that they’ve decided there’s no room for the religious liberty protected under the First Amendment.”

He added that while “Democrats joined with big business in vilifying an effort to protect our religious liberty,” too many Republican leaders and presidential candidates “ran and hid in the hills.”

“We’re a nation that was founded by men and women who were fleeing religious oppression and coming to seek out a land where everyone of us could worship God Almighty with all of our hearts, minds and souls, and that is under profound jeopardy today,” Cruz said.

We never thought we’d say it, but we do agree with Cruz on one thing — ‘mandatory gay marriage’ doesn’t sound like a good idea. We think people should get to marry whomever they like, and that goes for straight people too.

And if we were to check that gay rights Cruz dial, it seems to have ticked back a few notches from bad to abominable since his soiree with Reisner and Weiderpass. Job well done.

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