The A-List: Dallas Recap: “You’re Not Fat, You’re Just Hydrated”


  • TxBorn

    Has anyone else noticed Levi’s “Parkinson’s like” body & facial movements?

  • Juan

    Have to admit, this was a boring episode. Pat yourself on the back for struggling out the re-cap. But, if you didn’t recap, I would have been so disappointed. You wit is fab.

    Heard Levi’s bar fight was not due to ALD haters, but Levi haters. They didn’t like his arrogance.

    So sick of Chase, he’s getting fugglier by the scene. His snarling, Taylor-hating is just getting soooooo boring. Man is he jealous of that little twink. In the preview, it looked like Levi was going to kiss Taylor… and why would Taylor want someone that stated many times and ways how he hated him? Of course, we all saw through that, but still – run, Taylor, run! Find another, better storyline and a cowboy with a brain and heart. Chase and Levi deserve each other, leave them to it, that would be the most victorious or revenges.

    Damn this story it’s addicting, as are your recaps.

  • Casper

    I’ve been reading these since Queerty started re-capping A-List. Gotta say, I feel like Chase is the real villain of the show. Preachy, Witchy and just Gross. He needs to back off from those v-necks and those tacky hair styles.

    Haven’t seen this episode yet ’cause logotv takes it’s time online. But looking forward to it.

    Why is everyone into Levi? He’s chubby and a drunk. And James reminds me of an ex-boyfriend- that guy needs to man up and grow up. I hope these men realize their the main attraction at the zoo, not some interesting ground-breaking tv personality.

    Ashley and Taylor – they’re the only normal ones!!

  • lovesagr8smile

    @TxBorn: I am glad someone else has noticed and said something- I thought I was going crazy. I didnt recognize it as parkisons like, but it certainly is very noticeable, And I know that most take great sport in hating on Levi and everyone else, but I thought it was really sad when he found out his issues with his back I find the dallas show more entertaining than new york

  • lovesagr8smile

    While I am at it- my pet peeve with the show is their use of the word “like” I feel like taking a shot everytime one of them uses it, but I would be tanked 6 minutes into the show

  • timncguy

    @Casper: @Casper: Oh my Casper. Ashley and Taylor are the :normal” ones???? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL No way. All Ashley does is run around sticking her nose in other people’s business. And Taylor, gay republican!!!! Nothing normal about that…..

  • shannon


  • MKe

    I have no interest in ever watching this show with all the bizarre in-fighting they’ve brought to the gay community. No thanks.

  • andy

    Taylor should enjoy the attention while he has it. He’s a cute puppy but he’s going to grow up to be an ugly dog.

  • Matt

    I really can’t stand James’ facial expressions and mannerisms. Just the way he presents and talks is so…just…annoying!

  • Brian Wells

    should read:
    “The speed-dating event arrives[insert comma] and the Compassion 54 guys are crushed when virtually no one attends.”

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