alan-mooreNoble and tortured, heroic and heartrending—Alan Moore, creator of  the comics-classic Watchmen , serves up his gay characters in vivid, true-to-life colors. From spectral lesbians to bisexual occultists, here are some of his very best gay creations.

The Comic The Hero
Hooded Justice
Watchmen In the world of everyday superheroes, Hooded Justice was the first masked man to burst on the scene. Forthright and noble—he saved his teammate, Silk Spectre I, from a brutal rape by their teammate, the Comedian—Hooded Justice was secretly gay. Forced by the House Un-American Committee to unmask, Justice disappeared and was rumored to have been murdered by the Comedian.
Watchmen Openly living with her older lover in the 1930s, Silhouette brazenly and bravely lived her life freely. Forced by her teammates to leave the superteam, The Minutemen, Silhouette was later killed along with her lover by a crazed villain seeking revenge.
John Constantine
Hellblazer Half-way between an occult detective and a magical con man, Constantine has had his blood demonically tainted and soul claimed by Satan. But despite all that, he still finds time to schtupp any gender he comes across. Best to ignore the Keanu movie and just picture a more debauched Sting from his Police days.
Mina Murray
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Also known to fans of Dracula by her former married name of Mina Harker, Murray served the crown with other literary heroes, including Captain Nemo and the Invisible Man. Usually in the company of fellow adventurer Allan Quatermain , the bisexual Miss Murray and Quatermain had an erotic romp with Fanny Hill.
Jack Phantom
Top Ten A lesbian police detective with the power to turn intangible, Jack is one of the most popular characters in the Top Ten universe. Formerly paired with an evangelical born-again, Jack now works with her lover, Panthalassa, an amphibious mermaid.

For more gay Watchmen fun, be sure to check out our story on Alan Moore’s influence on gay comics storytelling.

Dixon T. Gaines is a writer and editor formerly based in New York who now finds himself in Los Angeles.

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